Lots of contractions yesterday. For three hours I had contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. I went for a walk to try and keep them going, ate some dinner and they stopped for a little bit but than they were back and more painful. I decided to call the doctor who encouraged us to come to the hospital. We packed all our stuff and headed out at 9:30. They checked me, still only 1 cm and my cervix is not effaced and was very posterior. They monitored me and of course the contractions stopped. So they sent us home. They told me to keep my doctor's appointment this morning. Not much to check at the doctor's appointment but the usual, at least Mason is doing great and I haven't gained any weight in the past 3 weeks:)
I guess I am one of those lucky people that will just have contractions for a while until my body and baby decide it is time.
Time to try and get a little shut eye!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Babies room,last year of my 20's, and STILL PREGNANT
So we finally finished the room. We won't get the crib until early January. We ordered it in August and the salesperson told us we should have done this months earlier, are you kidding? I am planner but I am pretty sure ordering baby furniture the day of conception is Faux pas! Regardless we are planning on him sleeping in our room for the first few months in his pack and play or with us!
It was difficult to capture the room in pictures.
From the door looking in.
Wall the crib will be on.....

Back wall with changing table that converts to dresser and Curious George picture

Back wall with changing table that converts to dresser and Curious George picture
This is where my polka dot chair needs to go but it is still in our living room because it is the most comfortable seating when we are watching TV.
All the clothes and blankets are washed, the diapers bought, the bags packed, the car seat in the car ect...I think we are as ready as we can be. We are just missing one thing.....THE BABY:)
I turned 29 last week. I didn't feel like doing much. We ordered in and Matt brought me these flowers. He knows how much I love unique flowers and these definitely fit that category.
We did go up to my folks on Saturday to help them move furniture (they are getting new carpet installed this week) and to celebrate my birthday. It was a wonderful day.
Last night we had an amazing sunset, this is the view from Mason's room.
The weather over the past few days has been in the mid 60's. We had the windows open in the house and it was wonderful. Does anyone else remember being really hot at the end of their pregnancy? I would sleep on the deck if Matt would let me.
On the pregnancy front there has not been a significant change. My last two doctor's visits were uneventful. I did get to go off the medicine last week and since than I have contractions everyday. They told me unless my water breaks or the contractions become unbearable and 3-5 minutes apart for two hours, not to call. I am praying this Wednesday's appointment will be different and they will tell me there has been more progress on the cervix front. I plan on walking everyday and trying some other methods the old wives speak of, wink wink.
I am such a science minded person and I love to know the facts. For instance what is the probability I will have this baby tonight? 10%, 90%? But I am learning that baby having is not an exact science so than I turn to what is really the most important faith. Some prayer to the big guy never hurts plus he helps me to remember this is in his timing. I would be lying if I said I wasn't miserable but I can endure as long as baby comes to us healthy. I can't wait to post new pictures of his cute face.
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