I would like to congratulate my cousin Kelsie and her husband Ricky just welcomed their baby girl Karly into the world. We are so happy she is here safe and sound and have been praying for them daily. We love you guys and can't wait to meet her. This is going to be such a fun ride....
2 months old and getting cuter everyday. He is starting to giggle a lot and smile, he is really a happy baby! He loves for me to sing to him, not sure Matt enjoys it but I sure do.
Matt and I are so in love with this kid.
We watched the inauguration! I dislike talking politics and I truly love all my republican friends but this mama loves Barack! I wanted Mason to have something for his baby book about this very historical election.
My best friend Kai came down from Alaska to meet Mason. It was so wonderful to see her. She left her two kids (which I know was hard and that she missed them a lot) and headed south for three days. We spent time with some of our sorority sisters and laughed a lot. I left Mason with Matt one evening to go to dinner with the ladies. He did wonderful! It was very refreshing for me to hang with the girls and was just what my soul needed.
Mason is doing awesome every week gets more fun.