at my parents
We don't mind the rain because in August we will miss the coolness of May. We had a nice long weekend that we spent with family. Saturday night we headed to the hills to BBQ in the rain and watch the nuggets game with my parents, Cade, Em and Keegan.
Sunday we hungout at home and Monday went to GG's house for lunch and I must have met my picture quota (see rest of posting) because I forgot to take more.
A few weeks ago we reached the 90's and on a Tuesday evening Matt and I went out on a date with some of our friends to the Rockies game. Our friend Cerbo has connections (he is going to be governor someday:) and he got us tickets right behind the rockies dugout...I mean I could literally yell plays out to the guys (if I knew plays and oh yeah this is baseball not football). So instead I watched for fly balls coming at my face at 125 mph. I know Matt and Cerbo played College ball but they aren't as quick these days!
Regardless, nothing says summer is in the air like an evening ball game with friends, cold beer, and a hot dog. I did however have to limit my beer intake because I drove up to my folks after the game to stay the night with the little man (not ready to leave him overnight).
In other Gilbreath revelations, babies are so flexible. I found Mason in a splits position and immediately after he flew into a breakdance spin but I couldn't catch that with a photo!!! We are working on the roger rabbit and running man.
Self portrait so Mason knows I was a part of his babyhood.
11 weeks and
25 weeks, how quickly they change.
I was feeding Mason and I went to get a wet cloth from the kitchen when I turned around he was looking at me like "OOps"
Ya! Apricots were everywhere. So yet another lesson to be learned by a new mom...move all objects out of reach that shall not be thrown.
But really you can't be mad at this angel face so I cleaned it up and for once I wished our dogs were here begging for food. They are excellent spill crew but they were at my folks vacationing.
While Mason was inside chucking food at our freshly painted walls Matt was outside doing some much needed painting.
Love my handyman. We decided to change the accent color on our house from Wine to silver blue. Pi Phi girls I did not realize we did this until a few days ago and I busted out in song.

Mother's day gift from Mason.
On the way home from a run I decided it was time for Mason to touch his toes to the grass. He was more interested in eating the handfuls he ripped out but I think the whole experience was life changing for him:)
What a noggin....