Here is what we have been up to the past few weeks... 
We purchased an antique Hoosier Cabinet built in 1920. Previously a slanted bookshelf occupied this space but I started to envision Mason climbing it and/or cracking his head on the lowest shelf. I have also wanted more storage in our kitchen area but most buffets/cabinets are really expensive. I wanted to buy a piece we would have for a long time and not a target put together (nothing wrong with those we have plenty) so when we found this beauty I was tickled...however the store owner wanted more than our budget so we walked away. A few days later Matt and I went back and I sent my haggler in to strike a deal and obviously it worked. The piece is so well built and provides a lot of functionality. We will probably change the hardware but we have become found of its original color. We plan to check out more used furniture stores in the future.

We had a busy weekend the 13th and 14th. We were excited to go see our 13 year old nephew Luke play baseball. They had a tournament in our neck of the woods so we jumped on the chance to see him in action. He is quite the athlete. I am not surprised because athleticism seems to run deep in those Gilbreath genes.

Here he is pitching, he is a lefty. Uncle Matt is so proud. He also played first base and had some killer plays. Afterwards we were able to grab dinner with the whole gang and catch up. I must have been gabbing to much to get photos. We are so proud of our nieces and nephews.

The following day (Flag day and GG's birthday) we headed north for BBQ and family time. It was a wonderful Sunday. We laughed a lot. We love GG so much and she is very close to us. She turned 78 but she has the energy of a 30 year old. So blessed to have her in our lives.
The next weekend we hung low....hit up the farmers market, did house projects, and took long walks.

On Father's Day we loaded up the whole crew and drove 20 minutes south to a "leash free" dog park with ponds. The dogs swam their little hearts out and Mason loved watching them. We spent the rest of the day around the house and made a lovely dinner of steak and seafood and chocolate covered strawberries.

Matt with his boys and a visiting golden retriever puppy. This park has lots of dogs running free. Its fun to see all the breeds and watch them all interact.

A few words about Matt...he is a wonderful father and Mason is quite enamored with him. When Matt gets home Mason's face lights up and the giggles begin. Mason is definitely saying "DA DA" and it melts our hearts. First thing in the morning when he sees Matt he whispers "da da."
Its hard to imagine loving your spouse more or differently when its just the two of you but watching him become a father has changed our relationship in so many wonderful ways. From the second Mason was born Matt was by his side and because Mason had to be in the NICU and me in recovery he stuck by him through all the painful and heart wrenching procedures which gave me needed comfort. We love you so much.

We were able to spend some time with my Aunt Kelly on her way back from Telluride. Mason loved her, it is easy to do that with Aunt Kelly. She has a heart of gold. We can't wait to see everyone in September. 
We also celebrated my mom's birthday the same evening. Happy Birthday Mom!
We have entered a new chapter with Mason....its called "you never stop moving because he is into EVERYTHING." He is officially crawling and pulling himself up on furniture. We have tried to get some crawling footage but he loves to pose for the camera and it stops him dead in his tracks.

We recently replaced our coffee table with a softer ottoman. He enjoys pulling himself up and shimming around to get whatever is hiding in there. He loves the remote control and calculator and of course magazines.
We had to lower the crib to its lowest setting because the lil' monkey almost crawled out. I got some great video footage of him doing this but it didn't end to well because he fell and smacked his face on his crib bars....I may be the worlds worst mom.

Hanging with Hunter.

Mason has decided the changing table is no fun in a stationary position....he likes to begin rolling and any possible movement to keep you from getting a diaper off/on him. Lately I just wrestle him down on the floor to change him or I do it while he is standing up but with a poopy diaper this provides a challenge. He loves to scurry away as soon as I get the diaper off and then protest loudly when I try to retrieve him. When is a changing table no longer needed?

Still but only for a moment.
We have had some good falls and head bangs lately. I am trying to balance protecting him but letting him is hard.
This age is so much fun. He is so interactive and though he has started to gain a little bit of independence he loves to be scooped up and rub noses. He is such a cuddler and I love that. I wish I could just bottle up these moments and place them on a shelf with a label that says "Open me when Mason is 14 and wants nothing to do with his mom."
Lastly, this is a cute video of Angela and Mason....he sure loves that girl as do we.