My first bachelor party was a success! My dear friend Wes is getting married and I was excited that Matt and I could attend the festivities. Though I felt bad the guys made him wear this get-up all evening.
At the Rockies game we were getting stares from every angle. I think people were concerned a real convict was out and about but once they saw the back everyone got a chuckle. Most older men said "you hardly know the half of it." Its not that bad I kept telling him. You really should have this night out before you have a baby, that is when you loose your freedom (and your sleep.)
It was great to catch up with old friends and for Matt and I to have an adult night. We stayed at the Magnolia downtown, which was awesome. We could walk home from the downtown scene and were able to enjoy adult beverages, which we paid for the next day.
Mason stayed with my parents. It was the first time I have ever left him over night. I took him up there on Saturday afternoon and got everyone acclimated. I had e-mailed a " Schedule and how to list" for my parents and my dad kept teasing me "I am almost done with your Mason briefing booklet, did you forget we raised both of you?" What can I say I am a right brainier and a first time mom, by kid #2 I 'll just drop her on the doorstep with supplies.
When I got ready to leave, my dad walked me out to my car (as he always does) and he leaned in and said don't cry all the way home, he will be ok. I only cried to the highway and than I realized he was right, he would be fine.
I really did know he was in great hands but I missed him bunches.
I dreamt about him all night and realized I will not be leaving him overnight for a while...I'm not ready.
I dreamt about him all night and realized I will not be leaving him overnight for a while...I'm not ready.
The next morning I drove up to get him and my heart melted when he saw me, he got so excited. He loves his Gma and Gpa but he knows who his mommy is:) My parents said he ate well, played hard , went on numerous mountain strolls and slept 11.5 hours in G and G's bed. They were both tired from all the running around but had enjoyed every minute of him. Thanks mom and dad, I love you.

Mr. Cormic made a visit the other day. He is getting so big and cuter every day.

Mason couldn't figure him out...he definitely did not like me holding him. Cormic is a total snuggler and such an easy going little guy.
Here are some at home shots:

One of Mason's favorite spots is our kitchen. He likes to look out around 5:30 for Da Da to come home.

He also loves to remove magnets.

Play pots and pans
Last week we had his 9 month checkup.

Always a blessing when you know your child is well and healthy. He is in the 50 percentile for weight and height right now. 21 lbs and 28.5-inches.
The shots were a lot harder this time because he is cognisant of his surroundings now. He screamed harder and a lot of "Mom" "mom" while looking at me which actually made me cry...when your child hurts it actually makes you feel ill. Of course I know the temporary pain of a shot is well worth the safety factor of not getting some terminal disease. Not trying to spark a debate, just my opinion on modern medicine.

Lastly, our family is very tired. Mason has been sleeping with us for 9 months of which he has not slept through the night more than a few times. He is getting bigger and somehow our king size bed is dominated by our son. We have made the decision to move him to his lovely crib starting tonight. I was going to wait until after our California trip but we are all zombies and I think the time has come. Please wish us luck because this is going to be hard work and sad for me as well.