The past few weeks have been tough ones in our lives.
We have lost someone very near and dear to our hearts, your Grandma Nancy. You have been quite the trooper through all the hospital visits, the tears, the late nights, the go go go days, all the family and friends (some meeting you for the first time), and the planning and attending of a funeral for your grandma. You have kept us grounded, kept us smiling when the reality sets in that we lost someone we love so much at far to young an age. You even picked up and started walking during this time. Which is a reminder that life does march forward even when your heart is breaking.
Though you will not have physical memories of your grandma, your dad and I, Uncle Nick and Aunt Angela will be sure to keep her memory alive.
In your short 10 months you were loved without reservation by your grandmother and I know you now have a guardian angel.

When we first told Grandma the news that we were having a baby she literally screamed with excitement, she was so excited for dad and I to be parents. She loved being a mom and would always tell me "you have no idea the kind of love you will feel for that baby someday." She was right.

But she also told me she had no idea the love she would feel for a grandchild. She loves you as much as she loves your dad, Uncle Nick, and Aunt Angela.

Here she is when your dad was a baby. My goodness you look like your father.

I know raising her children were some of the happiest times in her life. I believe that was one of God's jobs for her here on earth.

Even when they were all grown up she looked forward to anytime she got to spend with them. She loved who they had become and that's because they are truly wonderful adults.

Your grandmother was a beautiful woman inside and out. She valued family greatly and lived her life always thinking of others.

I feel blessed to be her daughter in law. From the beginning she welcomed me into the family as one of her own. We would talk weekly like old girlfriends about everything under the sun. She was a very funny person who could cook a mean green chili and bake a delicious pecan pie. She loved Holidays and giving gifts and she always made you feel special on your birthday. She loved the company of friends. She loved watching your Uncles and Aunt play sports. She hated to be cold and would constantly be trying to turn up the thermostat, even in the summer. In her youth she was a beautiful skier and a cheerleader. She attended the same highschool your dad graduated from, Arvada High. These are just a few tid bits that made up this amazing woman.
In the 7 years I spent knowing and loving your grandma a true friendship grew. I see bits of her everyday in her children and in you Mason. In a breath of time we will see her again but for now our work on earth is to continue, she would want you to live your life to the fullest always thinking of others and valuing your family, for family is what you have when the rest of the world goes dark. A mothers love never stops and grandmother's feel the same way.
Lastly, I love this picture of your grandma. She is only 18 or 19 in this picture and so radiant.
All my love,