You just have to go with the flow while you read this because its a little fragmented but that basically sums up our trip. We knew having four toddlers at different ages and stages would be quite entertaining and challenging.
The plane ride was a success, the airport wasn't! To much open space for Mason to run full blast. I was exhausted by the time we got on the plane and so was Mason...which was the plan. The first half of the 5.5 hour trip was spent playing iphone games, opening some silly gifts, and watching DVD's. The second half was spent sleeping...Mason sleeping. He could not get comfortable in his car seat so he slept on me. The wonderful grandma sitting with us was so sweet and kept giving Mason compliments on how great he was acting...if she only knew his other side:)
Since we arrived at night we could not see the gorgeous scenery awaiting us the next morning. I have been to Alaska a handful of times and everytime I am taken back by the scenery.
The Sims family lives in Eagle River which is about 30 minutes outside of Anchorage. They are surrounded by Mountains and we were there during the peak of the fall colors. GORGEOUS!
After a not so restful night of sleep and a two hour time change, we made it upstairs to see the house in the daylight. Mason was eager to attack the play room and Eme and Fischer woke to greet him. The last time I saw Emerson aka Eme was at my wedding, she was 6 weeks old. Now she is a vibrant, sweet and intelligent three year old. She says the funniest things and she loves Popsicles. She is a good mix of Kai and John and Mason is still talking about her.
The Sims Family has a seriously awesome playroom that spent most of its time looking like this. When you have four toddlers running the coop it is organized chaos.
Having toddlers did not lend to a lot of things we could do. We enjoyed going with the flow and participating in Fischer and Eme's activities. A fun grocery store run!
The backyard was quite fun as well.
The Sims house, amazing setting, amazing home.
The second night there I got to meet some great neighbors of Kai and John's. They have become really good friends of theirs and I was eager to finally meet them and their 3 beautiful children. Kai suggested after we got the kids to bed us girls go for a hike. I was little hesitant because I was exhausted but it was well worth it to have some adult time. I do have to admit the whole time we were walking in the dark (even though we were on a road) I was thinking Grizzly Bear..Moose...but the two of them seemed so relaxed so I figured Alaska girls are tough this Colorado girl can be too!
One of the days we joined Eme's class for a fieldtrip at the Eagle River Nature Center and Mason got introduced to some of the "departed" wildlife Alaska has to offer.
This grizzlies mouth was quite fascinating to Mason...he kept saying "Bite" got that right!
A grizzly bear's track.
I think I am more scared of Moose than grizzlies.
After a short but educational hike
We joined the rest of the class in a large yurt for story time and snacks.
and then headed down to the beaver ponds to see the Salmon spawning...they were huge and bright red. It was so fun to be a part of the field trip.
The logistics of having three toddlers in a car is a little much and when we added the fourth we had to add another car. But before Ruthie and Jack joined us, Mason was fully entertained being sandwiched between Fischer and Eme.
We also got to go to the local skating rink two days in a row. One for Eme's skating lesson and the next for Fischer's hockey practice. They start them young in AK. Mason is still talking about skating which makes my dad excited because he played hockey growing up. We are planning to give it a try this winter.
Fischer is so cute and quite the competitor...I wonder where he gets that from?
After Fischer's hockey practice we hurried home to see Ruthie and Jack. They arrived a few days after Mason and I got there, they had an interim stop in Seattle to visit Ruthie's cousin.
Jack getting acclimated to the backyard while John helped them with their hitting.
Let me tell you Kai and John have wonderful children. Fischer is four and he is sweet, smart, and super kind to the little kids. He is such a good big brother. Mason just loved being around them.
Ruthie and Jack. Jack was the youngest of the bunch and thank goodness he is so easy going because Mason did not like sharing with Jack. Something we worked on and Kai had some great suggestions on how to do that.
Fischer took this picture for us, I let him use my camera which resulted in a lot of pictures around the neighborhood. I think he may have a new hobby.
We spent a lot of time at the Sims playground, swings are such a hit.
Our gracious hosts. Can you believe Kai is 19 weeks pregnant in this picture? Ok maybe hard to tell with her vest but she carries babies so well...anyways, this is the elementary school John attended and most likely where Fischer and Eme and baby to be will go.
Mason loved this swing. He also said his name for the first time while swinging here. Kind of a big moment when he realized his name is not Matt:)
Those Sims are some serious swingers...get your mind out of the gutter.
One of the last days we decided to take the kids to the "House of Bounce." A great energy depletor. Jack was happy to do the jumping in the safety of his Mama's arms.
Love you girls and Jack too!
I would like one of these bounce houses in our yard. Mason climbed this thing a lot and was wiped out after.
Ruthie and Jack got in on the action too!
Jack is so stinking cute and such a Happy little soul.
After House of Bounce we headed into downtown Anchorage for lunch at the Brew House...a little daring with four kids but they did great. And the meal was awesome too.
Eme eating her clam chowder, she cracks me up. She wanted to try tomato juice and she liked it. This girl loves tomato's.
Oh this is why lunch was easy...because Mason slept through it! This never happens...meaning Mason falling asleep on me in a restaurant. I tell you House of Bounce where's em' out.
Our last day there we woke to foggy rainy/snowing weather. We drove Ruthie and Jack to the airport in the morning and headed back to hang out until our flight. While Mason took a four hour nap, Kai and I drove around Eagle River in search of Jalapenos. Then she taught me how to make jalapeno jelly. Kai and her fun cooking ideas. It was delish and I got to take some home.
The clouds cleared later that day and the snow covered mountains were spectacular. What a lasting picture. So after a lovely dinner, we packed our things, said our goodbyes and headed to the airport.

Mason and I were on a 11:00 PM flight out of Anchorage AKA the "RED EYE." His four hour nap was a blessing because he was able to run around the airport. I checked the car seat on the way back thinking he would be able to sprawl out...he did great on the flight but did not sleep a lot. The flight was there was a medical emergency half way, the person was ok.
Again thank god for the wonderful Grandfather sitting with us who let Mason try to sleep on him, kick him and look at his Dr. Seuss iPhone apps.
We had a wonderful trip with lots of lasting memories. Thank you Sims family for having us.
Mason is talking so much more, he made three wonderful friends, and every time we pull out a winter hat, he says "Alaska hat."
I loved being able to spend time with friends, learned some new parenting tips and great recipes, and really enjoyed being with all the kiddos. Plus now I know Mason can travel to Hawaii:)
BUT we do have to say we were really excited to see this handsome face in Denver.
Old picture but you get the point!