I am not sure what happened to me this Christmas Season but I think I was channeling an 80 year old grumpy man for most of it, possibly Andy Rooney!
I don't know what it was but I couldn't really find the spirit?
I think part of the issue is the commercialism that is shoved down our throats. Seriously! Can we not keep our seasons separate anymore. Before Thanksgiving I couldn't find any thing "thanksgivingish" because it was already Christmas. Call me a traditionalist but I like my pumpkin pie season and than my pecan bar season, which starts December 1st!
There is already Valentines deco out!
Of course in the midst of my Bahumbugness there was a ever so cute and entertaining child.
His teacher begged me to bring him to school on a non-school day because Mason and the girl next to him were the only 2 of 12 that would sing! She wasn't lying.
And than of course there is Santa and Mason's adorable innocence about the man from that north place. Mason asked Santa "what would you like for Christmas?" Santa looked surprised. Had anyone ever thought about poor Santa. Maybe he is sick of only cookies and milk, maybe he needs a gym membership or a gift card to take Mrs. Claus out to a nice dinner? I don't know but Mason simple question made me love him even more. Is that possible?
I digress....
So we did the usual Christmas activities...and I mustered up some smiles.
And than I grumbled because I had to clean up flour.
The season did bring time with Grandma Bert and her teaching Mason the beloved recipe of Thumbprints.
Watching the two of them made me melt a little and just as the tears started to form the two of them broke out into Jingle Bells. I knew my grumpy man had to leave this 32 year old body soon.
Our Christmas tree died.
I know yatta yatta we should go artificial....well I don't like them, I like real trees! Just for the record I like other peoples artificial trees. We bought this Noble knowing full well it was from Washington State and in Washington State they have humidity in the air. In Colorado we are shriveled prunes. This poor guy was shriveling up and looking more and more like a fire hazard as the days past.
So one night Matt could sense my stress about it! He suggested "Babe there is a 4-ft artificial tree downstairs. We could turn our laundry hamper upside down and put it up there and place the tree skirt around it!"
Ummm NO!!!
and while Mason listened to us bicker he interjected "Where will Santa put my presents if there is no tree?"
And that was enough for me to take matters into my own hands. Here is my "I am woman here me roar" moment. I single handily went out and bought a new (negotiated price) tree, took it off my car, undecorated and took the other one down, vacuumed every pine needle, put the new one up, re-vacuumed and re-decorated it! All with a 3 year old home! Boo YA!
I than drank a bottle of wine!
Tree #2, just for you Mason so Santa has a place to put the presents.
Two days later I got the stomach flu, the really bad kind that you don't leave the bathroom or bedroom! At that point I was channeling the Grinch, Scrooge and a grumpy old man....it was bad!
But than a few more days past, I felt better and the presents were wrapped.
Our house comic was off work for a few days!
and it dumped 10-inches of glorious white stuff outside.
the old man exited my body and I finally began to hum "The Christmas Song" and I decided there is always next year. Maybe some Christmas Seasons are less exciting? For me its the few days before and the day of that I need to get that feeling! That one that makes you all tingly because you can feel his grace and energy in the air. The true reason we celebrate this season.
and here is a little snippet of Mason singing his "Snowman song!"