Most of you that read our blog our my friends on facebook so this is news you already know.
Friday evening Matt, Mason, and I ventured out to the mall to find something for Matt and I to wear out Saturday night for Angela's birthday. We never go out, therefore our wardrobe is out of date and my mommy outfit of yoga pants just wouldn't cut it.
Mason has a problem listening when we are in public and to add to it, when we tell him to stop or come back he turns it into a game of chase.....
well this time Matt went to grab him and he turned around and ran full force into a low lying wood shelf...his face burst open. I heard the cry and Matt said "This is bad!" I couldn't see the blood yet and was thinking concussion. When he turned his head it was obvious we were heading to the doctor.
While we were driving to the nearest hospital I called our Pediatrician to see if we could take him to the Children's Hospital Urgent Care at Lutheran...he said '"yes" and notified them. Mason was not hysterical just shocked and asking "if we could go home now." Matt and I were handling it in stride as well. I get this trait from my mom, in emergency's this calmness comes over me and all I can see is the solution. I thank God for that because I could easily have lost it....
Children's Urgent Care is great. They had games, Popsicles, and a list of kids DVD's. If you have ever done an actual ER visit you know how painful that could be with a kid.
We took Mason to this same urgent care once before when he had the flu, (probably H1N1) and I was glad we knew about it.
They placed a bandage and numbing gel on his cut for about a half hour and gave him some ibuprofen.
When the nurses and doctors came back in we decided to do stitches. We gave his "ouie a bath" and got the "magic thread" out. We decided to "burrito wrap" Mason because he is a fighter...this is basically a straight jacket using a sheet. Not my favorite moment of being a mom.
I held his hand and Matt held his feet while the brave doctor put three stitches in a wiggly and shocked two year old. If you have ever watched stitches going in than you know its amazing hand work, a little different when its your scared two year old.
As soon as the whole thing was over Mason asked if "we could go back to the mall and get fries?"
He doesn't really skip a beat...but lets hope this will help him start listening a little more. I think he will have a scar as a reminder.
We get the stitches out Thursday so that should be fun!