Monday, June 16, 2008

The 80's called they want their shorts back......

Two of our dearest friends, Kathryn and Chris, had a 1980's theme party on Saturday for Kathryn's birthday. We had a are some of the pictures.

We went for the workout theme....

Ryan and Trisha or Madonna and Marty McFly from Back to the future.

Matt's shorts are kind of short:)

These sweatbands hurt your head!

Walk like an Egyptian.....

The rest of the weekend was nice also. We celebrated Father's day with Matt's family on Friday and mine on Sunday. I forgot my camera Friday night but here are some pictures from Sunday at my parents house.

Uncle Matt teaching Keegan to ride his new bike...

We had to bribe him to get out of the swing after 20 minutes

This is what we bribed him with, washing Grandpa's Truck. He spent more time spraying Grandpa than the truck.

At the end of all our fun we sat down for a nice lunch outside. Mom fixed prime rib sandwhiches with macaroni and fruit salad and baked beans. It was delicious. Grandpa is sitting in Keegan's other chair, not the best fit. It was nice to spend time with our familes.

On the pregnancy front I am glad to report that I am feeling better. It seems I am moving along with this pregnancy just like the books discuss. Second trimester hits and I start to feel better. I would like to say it is all in my head but I would never intentionally want to feel like sick like I did. Hopefully this trimester is full on energy!


Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures!!! We were so excited that you made it to the party... and both looking so fabulously 80s. Happy you are also feeling a bit better! Sorry for my pressuring mom :)
Love you both,

Kate and David said...

Yay for the 80's! I love the cutoff sweatshirt Micah...My Mom and Auntie Sue still do that to almost all the ones they own =). I remember Acer with the two toned socks scrunched over the white washed jeans and of course the side ponytails we all sported at one time or another!! It was too cool, lots of memories. Looks like you guys had a fun time, I am sure Matt had lots of fun in the "Who wears short shorts!" Love you guys!