Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mason Charles Gilbreath and Piney lake photos

Well as you guessed from the heading, we are having a boy! He is going to be big boy and is weighing in at 15 oz:) Matt is really praying for a 6'5" left handed pitcher!

His weight is slightly above average for a baby at 20 weeks but as my cousins have reminded me, big babies run in the family. Even if they are born average, they grow quickly. We feel so blessed that baby is healthy and mama too! Thanks to all our friends and family that have kept us in your prayers.

Here are a few ultra sound photos, I can not really tell what is going on. For the photo shoot our lil' guy was sitting breach with his feet up near his head and for me it was difficult to tell what we were looking at. The ultrasound tech has being doing this for 20 years so I have confidence in her abilities.

Somewhere in here is a penis?

legs stretched out...but only for a minute!


Bottom of his feet

Lastly I posted a slide show of the some of the wonderful photos our dear friend josh took at my dad's 60th. Hope everyone is having a wonderul week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That is so neat you are having a baby boy... and I love the name you guys picked out. Matt, Micah and Mason... too cute. Love you guys!
