We have had record high temperatures this week. Yesterday it was 77 degrees here and usually this time of year it is in the 40/50's. So we have been taking a lot more walks with the doggies. The only downside to this beautiful weather is we NEED the moisture. Fire danger is high and that is scary.
Today we took a nice long walk and Mason faced forward in the pack for the first time. He is getting so big, actually he is 16.5 lbs!!! I think he is ready to chow down on some solid food but we will wait a few more months for now he is getting his fill of breast milk.

So Matt decided our son looks like Yoda, maybe we have a Halloween costume picked out?
1 comment:
O little yoda... I would have to say Mason is WAY CUTER than yoda... but that would be a really cute costume :) He is looking more and more like Matt to me?!? Do you guys get that a lot? Love you and Happy Week 13 Mason... (it's mine and Ricky's lucky number!)
Ricky, Kelsie and Karly
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