The day before we left for California we had to go and release my car. It is officially "totalled." It was kind of sad. It was the first car I bought and helped me get where I needed to be the last 5 years (kind of the point of a car, right?) The most important part is that Mason, myself and the driver of the other vehicle are fine.

The F250 I hit definitely won that battle.
Our trip to California was refreshing, wonderful, and surprisingly easy. I have so many pictures that I am going to post in a few parts. We decided to go without car seat and stroller...risky but it worked out fine.

After he was nice and tired we submerged him in hand sanitizer and boarded. We are big believers that kids can read your mood (much like your pets) so we decided for our first time traveling we would be positive and easy going. It seemed to work.

He slept during take off and for the first 45 minutes. He woke refreshed so we pulled out our bag of tricks....all worked beautifully EXCEPT for the sucker. It was everywhere. He also had a massive blowout on decent and we had to sit on the tarmac for 20 minutes for our gate to open, a little stinky. All in all both airplane trips were easy. Next post in a few days, San Diego:)
1 comment:
Poor car =(! Hope to see the new one soon. Mason is such a good happy baby, way to go on the plane rides boy! Love and miss you guys and can't wait to see more pics of the trip.
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