Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When I was a little girl I had a lot of stuffed animals. I lined them up every night on my floor in order. I kept a notebook with a date next to the name of each animal, that way each of them would get a turn sleeping with me. I also counted everything in my head, steps I took, clouds I saw that day, crayons I used ect and kept track in this same notebook. The counting of Santa's cookies on the christmas eve plate than added to the jar the next morning was a give away to the truths my parents had been hiding.

I was and am weird.

This guy has more OCD characteristics than I wish to discuss! (who do you think Mason looks like???)
SO when I came outside on Saturday evening to see Mason had done this with his cars, I knew he was not exempt from that gene...that gene that says "you might be an engineer." 
and than I saw this and thought  
please don't let him become an architect....

our worlds would collide!


Lee said...

That is so funny that you posted baby pictures of you and Matt... I was just thinking of doing a post like that cuz it is so fun to compare what characteristics the babies got!
I think Mason is a good mixture of the two of you! CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THAT SWEET LITTLE BOY!!!

Anonymous said...

That is adorable! Sawyer is doing the same thing too. He lines up his crayons in a specific order and if you take one or mess up the order a meltdown ensues. Am I happy or sad?? Sawyer and Mason should have an OCD playdate soon.
Love you