A while back I caught one of those episodes of "I didn't know I was pregnant" and the woman they were profiling started to give birth to a breach (footling; see diagram below) baby boy. None the less it was in a truck stop bathroom and she thought she had the flu until a foot was sticking out of her hoohaw...it really freaked me out so I stopped watching that show all together. Anywho...I have been a little nervous about Max being breech. Even with a scheduled c-section, the thought of going into quick labor and a foot appearing seemed to enter my mind from time to time. SO yesterday when I went in for my check up I was pretty pumped when my doc wanted to do an ultrasound just to confirm he was breech. When we looked on the screen, he was head down, ready to rumble.

No more nightmares about feet out my hoohaw!
This time of year I am always thinking of sweet Nancy, miss her so much! Her birthday is the 14th and it would be very special to have Max share that day with his Angel Grandma BUT I am about 2cm dilated, so who knows, could be tomorrow could be on the 14th! I will leave that up to the big man and the little man in my belly (and our Grandma Angel!)
This was July 1981; Nancy pregnant with Matt. Maternity clothes and Men's shorts have come a long way since than:-)
We are planning to have a productive labor day weekend whether that be house projects or having a baby I don't know. Have a safe and fun Labor day and if anything happens I will be sure to let you know!
That show AMAZES me!!! But ya, I would have probably stopped watching it at that point too... so glad Max flipped!
I am soooo sorry you are uncomfortable right now... totally know that feeling at the end, as any mom does.
YES keep us posted... ALMOST THERE MICAH!!! Just keep reminding yourself of that moment when you got to hold Mason in your arms for the first time... that WONDERFUL feeling is so close to here again!!! LOVE YOU and you are all in our thoughts and prayers!!!
ok, that foot thing might just give me nightmares, OH MY LORD! =/ So excited to read that Max has flipped and is ready to rock and roll soon! Keep us updated...you and baby Max are in our prayers! Happy Laboring on Labor DAY...both birthing and house kind, whichever comes first! Love ya!
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