Its been six months since this guy joined our family and I wouldn't change a day.
Here is a little re-cap of months 4 and 5.
Four months.
You started off your jet setting early, first airplane ride to Maui. You did great on the airplane. For the most part traveling did not phase you. In this picture we are at Duke's for dinner. Yummy.
4 Month checkup: 17Lbs (80th), 26-inches(80th), and big head (80th percentile.) Exactly the same stats as Mason at this age, weird.
Month four and the drool began. Dad nicknamed you "puddles." You are so smiley and happy and will tolerate tummy time for a few minutes but prefer playing while on your back.
Towards the end of four months we introduced the Jumperoo. Just like Mason you love to jump. Mom loves this because it buys me some time to make dinner or get a few chores done without you on my chest.
Five months.
You are sitting on your own and started to sit in your highchair at meals instead of in my arms. You grab for everything and put it directly in your mouth. You love Mason and he can make you giggle more than anyone else. Your laugh is one of the best sounds I have ever heard.
You are babbling a lot to your toys and us. Making raspberries has you and Mason cracking up which is more reason to continue doing it.
At 24 weeks (about 5.5 months) we began solids. Mom decided it was time because you started waking at night to eat a few times, something you hadn't done since 6 weeks. I love making your food as I did with your brother and you seem to be liking it too. Your first food was avocado; followed by applesauce, carrots, peas, and squash. You still prefer breast milk to most solids but we enjoy having you be a part of our family meals.
The park is more fun and we let you out of the Ergo a little more. You are just starting to like the stroller but Mom is not ready to have that be a full time thing. I think you prefer to be worn anyways. Time marches too quickly and I will hold on to this phase as long as I can. You love being outside cold or hot.
Mason is one of your favorite people and you are one of his. Its amazing to see that bond occurring so early. Your Great Aunt Kelly made you this beautiful afghan. I love the colors.
You are six months to the day in this picture.
Six month checkup: 18lbs (55th), 27-inches (75th) and 95th for head. Big noggin.
We get compliments from family and friends saying "he is the easiest baby," our pediatrician even made the remark and you truly are. This has me fearing the toddler years:-) You have been sleeping through the night for months snuggled into my arms. Love co-sleeping. You won't take a bottle at all and I gave up around 4-months after trying every type and model. So I guess that makes you a boob guy:-) You are smiley and flirty and so content. I don't think you are as eager to move like your big brother was and is. You have only rolled a few times and I think those were accidental. Its hard to not compare but it happens. Its a blessing to not have your children be identical. That you get to see all the fun and not so fun things that make up each one of your little personalities. Max you have and will continue to own our hearts too, we love you Puddles in a big way.