Monday, March 11, 2013


Our blog has taken a backseat as of late. A huge work deadline and two sweet boys have been keeping me busy.
I still need to get some pictures up of our Maui trip but decided to post about our cousins first.
We love our cousins near and far. Friends with a family twist.
AND I love that my boys have a new cousin on the way!!! Nick and Angie are having a baby girl in July and we are so over the moon about this news. They are going to be awesome parents and we are going to love on that baby girl like no other.

And since I am in love with the word love in this post I would also like to add that I love my sister-in-laws. They all rock! Ok enough of the lovey dovey stuff. Babies do that to me.
Cousins Keegan and Cormic (and my brother and Em too) came for a quick visit in January. Of course we spent our time together up at Grandma and Papa's.
Cousin time with these guys is loud and lots of fun. These boys are kind of like a pack of wolves. Wrestling, howling, peeing on all the trees...
The baby of the pack is of course still sweet and cuddly. This was the first time everyone meet Max and they were immediately smitten with his calm little spirit too.
One of the best parts of your kids getting older is being able to let them go outside without you.
I mean you still have to check on them occasionally because they could be tying each other up with ropes. See prior mention of pack of wolves.
When their little wolf spirits need the warmth of their den the basement serves as a good playground too!
Have you noticed my kid is whackty whack?!?! Love that kid.
and of course we must feed the pack...Grandma always has good snacks. Mason and Cormic finished off the guacamole. Partly because their hands were all up in it and the adults were not willing to tread in that germ pool:-) That was ok because my Mom let Cade request the dinner being made and the meal we were about to consume was some serious down home yumminess.
Fried Chicken, Mashers and gravy, biscuits and corn and homemade yellow cake with hot fudge sauce. Still burning off that meal.

The kids were even in food comatose. At my parents house the counter is the "kid table" many a meal I have sat there. Its a right of passage in a way. Aren't all kid's tables?
After we rolled ourselves away from the table we snuggled in for some movie time

and with them calm enough a quick picture of the four of them was successful.
Anytime they want to move home to Colorado would be just fine by us!!!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Love seeing all those boys. Can't believe how much they are ALL growing... and Aunt Cath now has me craving that exact same meal you just explained!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!