The day before Matt left for Phoenix we received 16-inches of snow. There is something so peaceful about being stuck inside with a fire while the world outside your door is completely silent. The snow dumped and two days later it was 60 degrees and it was gone. We Love Colorado!

The morning after the snow storm we bundled up Mason in his snow gear and stuck him in a snow pile for some baby book shots. He was not sure what to make of the white stuff...before we know it he will learn all the fun things you can do in the snow. Matt did ask me if he was too young to go yeah, 4 months is a little young:)

What do you do after frolicking in the snow? Take a warm bath of course.
We packed up all our gear (how do babies need so much stuff for two days?) and headed to the mountains. It was harder than I thought to say goodbye to Matt and while I drove up to my folks I realized it had been over 2.5 years since we spent the night apart. A quick thought crossed my mind about air travel and that my world would be shattered if he did not make it home. Being a single mom was a sad concept but I quickly said a prayer and left my worries in god's hands.
Mason and I arrived at grandma and grandpa's relaxed and ready to enjoy some time with them.

Grandma pulled out the highchair and Mason played with his toys.

I made Keegan's birthday cake. Not to creative but at three they are easy to impress. So we had a spiderman/frog themed birthday.

Grandpa couldn't stop kissing those checks but who can? They are some good kissin' checks.
Keegan wasn't feeling to well but he managed to get up enough energy to open his presents as you can see in the video.
The weekend was wonderful, we took walks, lounged by the fire, ate yummy food and most of all enjoyed time with grandma and grandpa. We did miss daddy and we were glad to come home renewed.

Matt flew in on Monday morning to meet us at the Pediatrician's for Mason's 4 month appointment and shots. Here are the stats:
Weight = 17.0 lbs 90%
Height = 26 inches 75%
Our doctor thinks he is going to be 6'4" 200 lbs of muscle....oh my!
He also gave us the go ahead to begin that night we decided to start the rice cereal. We will try that and oatmeal for a few weeks before we begin veggies (butternut squash).

I asked Matt to take some photos of his trip so I could post them on the blog. He took 2, one of the baseball game and one of a view from a hike. I was hoping for one of Nick and Matt at those we decided the photos are not blog worthy. He did have a nice time in the 80 degree weather with his brother but missed us more than he thought he would which was nice to hear:)