Every morning we are so excited to see Mason's smiling face and lately we await the new trick he will reveal that day. For example, holding his own bottle. He has also begun to army crawl for toys or the dogs. We better get baby proofing the house ASAP. He is sitting on his own and rolling over. I know every parent thinks their kid is the coolest (as we all should) so please don't take our blog as braggadocios but just our excitement at being first time parents. Plus this is my way of journaling for Mason's baby book.
A lot of toe sucking these days.
Jumping in his exercisers.

He has outgrown his bouncy seat but we sometimes use it in the morning while I make coffee and Matt makes his breakfast. This morning he decided to squirm out and was lounging.

Feeding Mason solids is a lot of fun. I am making my own baby food (so easy). We have tried a whole bunch of veggies and fruits. This week on the menu is peaches and carrots. A few weeks ago my best friend Kai told me to be careful with the bananas, apples, and rice and to add prunes to them to ensure regular BM's. I have been doing this but I think he was having to many starchy foods and for a few days he cried and cried and pushed and pushed. I called our Pediatrician and did a little research. I ran off to the store to buy some suppository's per the doc's recommendation and left Mason with Ange. I got home empty handed and Ange. offered to go to another store (she is such a good Aunt, she said the checker gave her a funny look buying infant suppository's). I decided to put Mason in a warm bath and within 5 minutes it worked, he required another bath after that but he was a much happier baby. I guess we have those suppositories on hand if need be. Anyways, I have decreased the starches to once a week or mixed them with more fibrous foods.
Life is really good. Last night when I laid down I realized being a mom has made me happier than I ever thought I could be and so thankful!
What a wonderful update! I love the pictures. -Kathryn
Oh he is so cute...Ricky, Karly and I have so much to look forward to :) Karly had a rough time going to the bathroom too... we gave her an ounce of white grape juice mixed with an ounce of water (that works wonders too!!!) just to let you know, and I am glad to know now that they sell otc suppositories!!! THANKS! Love you guys!
p.s. I would not worry about bragging about your little one... that is what parents are suppose to do! :)
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