Easter weekend was wonderful! We had dinner on Saturday with the Gilbreaths and Sunday with the Armsteads.
GG Bert and GG Larry can't get enough of Mason. GG Larry always says "he is all boy." Its really cute because you can tell how much Mason means to them.
Grandma Nancy and GG Bert are watching dad's skills at changing a diaper.
Uncle Nick was in town, it is always nice to see him. We missed his girlfriend Ange. and hopefully we will get to see both of them soon.
Mason is going to be big and stong like his Uncle.
On a side note I am not sure why I do not have any pictures of Aunt Angela? Sorry Ange. (Yes. Nick and Matt's sister's name is Angela and Nick's girlfriend's name is Angela). Whenever sister Angela comes into the room he just stares and smiles at her...it is so cute. She calls Mason her "main squeeze."
Family shot.
Of course Grandma and Grandpa always host a wonderful dinner. Mason got some really cute clothes and toys and enjoyed every minute of our day spent there. It was relaxing for all.

Sunday morning we drove to my folks. Emily is already having Braxton Hicks every 7-10 minutes so she was do her best to take it easy. She is 27 weeks so that lil' dude needs to keep cooking. Mason loves his Auntie Em. And on a side note she is such a cute prego.
Keegan was a crack up as per usual. He hunted for eggs, opened all his Easter goodies, and helped me open Mason's. I love to tease him and he always has the best reactions. He reminds me of Cade when he was little I could always get a rise out of him. Love you Keegan....you are so much fun.
Grandma with the boys. Mason scored in the toy and clothes department with both Grandmas. Thank you, he is going to be stylin' this summer.
Papa feeding Mason some sweet potato and cereal.
Dinner was delicious and the company was even better. My mom always has the most beautitful flowers on her table. Thanks families for a wonderful weekend, we are so blessed to have you in our lives!
I have a feeling Mason is going to be A LOT bigger and stronger than his uncle Nick. As soon as he can walk we can get him lifting, and you dont even need teeth to drink protein shakes!
I'm sure Angie and I will need to get out of the heat this summer so hopefully we'll be seeing you soon.
Love you all,
Looks like you guys had a wonderful Easter. Mason is a Cutie... he is gonna be a lady killer when he gets older. Can't wait to see you guys.. hopefully soon... so I can get my hands on those cheeks!!!
You all look great! Mason gets cuter every day. I know your Mom and Dad are just in love with their grandbabies. I'm gald you had a great Easter. Give everyone our love!
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