I know I say this a lot but we love Colorado! Fresh air sure does the soul well. Matt, Mason and I took a nice hike near our home a few weeks ago. We hiked a new leg of a hike we do frequently. This leg is called the "Enchanted Forest."

The hike lived up to its name. We kept a look out for Snow white and the seven dwarfs but they were no where to be seen.

Mason was a trooper as usual, 6 miles later he was still a happy camper.

After we got home he needed to burn some energy off, after all he just sat there while Dad and I took turns carrying him.

There is a saying in Colorado "If you don't like the weather just wait an hour." Its true, we were enjoying lovely fall temps.

Playing in the leaves.

Taking long walks....and than.

We got blasted with our first major snowfall. We only got 16-inches but many nearby towns saw more than 2-feet. Now we usually love being snowed in but a day before the snow hit Mason came down with the flu. We are pretty sure it was H1N1. Our doctor diagnosed it per Mason's symptoms and told us to just stay home, give him Tylenol and lots of love. This is the first time he has been sick and it was scary a few times. The second night I woke up around 1 to take his temp, it was 101 so I gave him some Tylenol and went back to bed. At 3 I woke to someone gently rubbing my hand (Matt was on the other side of the bed) so I think Grandma Nancy was watching us. I went in to find Mason with a 104 temp, vomit all over his crib and a very messy diaper. We quickly cleaned up the mess and I took a bath with him and we were able to bring the temp down. The next few days he spent with an upset tummy, a fever, and lots of crying. Man your heart hurts when your baby does not feel well.

When the Tylenol or Motrin kicked in he would regain his normal spirit.

But when it wore off he just wanted to cuddle. I am not sure how Ang, Matt and I escaped this but we are thankful. We all kissed and hugged our little bugger a lot. Matt had to go into work both days and I have to say being snowed in with one of my best buddies, Angela, was a lot of fun. Thanks for all your help with Mason and by keeping me sane when I wanted to jump into the snow bank. I love you.
We were going to have a Halloween party but decided because of the germs to cancel. We did disinfect the entire house and Ang's boyfriend Jason and her best buddy Ashley still came over to help celebrate.

Mason was a monkey, kind of the theme of his first year.

We didn't even get to carve our pumpkins this year. Oh well there are many Halloweens to be had.

Daddy Monkey and Baby Monkey.

Mommy Monkey and grumpy monkey.

Two cute chicks and flirty monkey.
Jason was our humour of the evening. He would hide in our driveway and jump out and scare people. He only did this to the older kids because Ang was insistent he not scare our little trick or treaters.
Halloween was nice, we laughed a lot and let loose. And I would like to mention that I beat everyone at Wii hula hoop:)
Sorry to hear poor Mason Monkey was sick =(...that's no fun at all. (I had the same thing a few weeks after the wedding, worst flu I have ever had).
I think we need to visit Colorado in the fall, it's still summer here =/ Looks like you had a fun relaxing Halloween night. Glad to hear monkey is feeling better and no one else got sick. Love you Guys!
Oh my goodness... poor little guy! That is scary! I am SOOO GLAD he is feeling better and got to get into his little monkey costume for halloween... cutest little monkey I've ever seen!
Ya, Colorado looks gorgeous right now... Love the hiking (I'm jelous!!) Love you Guys!!!
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