Lots of messes, I must pick up our living room at least 8 times a day.

Hmmm, that movie will not be watched until you are at least 18 (Half Baked).

"Well my work is done here, what else can I get into?"
Mason is talking quite a bit these days, most of it we do not understand but he seems to understand a lot more than he can say. He loves to talk on his fake cell phone while walking around the house. He puts on quite the show on our fireplace, flexing his vocal cords and working on his jumping. When I tell him "no" he looks at me and says "yup." He is quite the little character and 90% of the time has us rolling with laughter BUT the first temper tantrums have raised their ugly heads. The removal of his own diaper is a daily occurrence followed by a scream out when I try to put another one on.
Saturday we were invited to Matt's previous boss's home for a "going away party." Matt asked if children were invited and they were. Well his boss failed to mention it was an intimate dinner party....ummm we have an 11 month old and you have a beautiful home with LOTS of stairs. It was an exhausting evening for Matt and I. While everyone drank and conversed we chased a very mobile child who is obsessed with climbing, jumping, and yelling "DA DA." All of the guests thought it was hilarious and when we decided to leave before dessert, one of the guests remarked "can't you just set him on the couch to go to sleep?"
Please do not take this as me bitching more of it is the humour of us entering this phase. All the criticism we have had about other people's children and of course the things we put our parents through is beginning to bite us in the rear...but as we always say "We wouldn't change it for the world." and we truly wouldn't.
Temper tantrums? From Matts kid? NO WAY. Just wait until he starts making up his own rules to games and chasing helpless kids with a gutter extension in his hands.
Chris likes his taste in movies. He said they can hang out. -Kathryn
Loved your post Micah... Looks like Karly is right around the corner! It's like I tell all my patients, there is never a dull moment and we are constantly moving... but is the most fun exercise I've ever gotten :/ Wish we lived closer, Karly and Mason together at this stage is a site we need to see :) LOVE YOU GUYS... MISS YOU!!!
I think this is the stage where they say you start growing eyes on the back of your head =D...And getting that Super Mom Energy, that never goes away! My mom and Auntie Sue never lost it and I see Tracy with her non-stop high energy and now Kels...has to be that they are all MOMs. I watch Kar for a day and I am exhausted=/.
Here's to strong coffee! Love you guys.
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