Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Saluting Spring-->Warning: Too many espressos when I wrote this!

Life has been full lately.... the energy of spring, the celebration of Easter, and the time spent with those we love has been filling our days and our hearts. Life is good.

Hello my handsome son, when did you turn into a little boy? Can I slow down the clock just a bit? I am trying to savor every moment of him...this age is so fun, temper tantrums and all. Not trying to fool anyone that I am always this optimistic about being a mom, some days I count the minutes until Matt will be home and Mama can have a glass of wine:)

Is this safe? I think for the most part but sometimes Hunter likes to keep Mason on his toes and will buck him off...hey what do you expect from a 100-lb lab?

We are looking for a saddle and reins but when I asked the pet store lady I think she wanted to report me to PETA. We are just trying to train Mason to do some Mutt'n Bust'n! Plus our yard won't be adequate for a real pony.

It does warm our hearts that our son loves animals as much as we do! It also warms my heart that Hunter allows Mason to do this. Hunter is one spastic dog, I think brown labs are missing some crucial brain cells but he is a BIG part of our family and we wouldn't trade him for anything...or would we. Again depends on the day!

Play dates with your closest friend including an afternoon glass of wine, rank super high on my favorite things to do.

This is Sawyer Phillips, one of my dearest friends son. He is SO CUTE and such a happy guy!

I have decided to gift my friends with babies, with a "full house toddler preparation kit"...the kit consists of Mason. He will come to your house and we will let him loose, allowing him to show the parents of new baby all the things they will need to kid proof. I guarantee if Mason can get to it, in it, on it, or break it...he will find it. Man I am a good friend:)

"Hey Sawyer someday soon we will get to play together, maybe even some baseball like our dads did in college. I think our dads did a lot of cool things in college but they won't tell us about that until we are 18."

My beautiful friend Trisha with her baby you both!

Easter weekend we headed to the casa in the mountains (I took 3 years of Spanish in college and I can't remember more than casa...hmmm)

Mason got to bring his firetruck and we pulled out Uncle Cade's sesame street truck. Were kids a lot smaller in the 80's? Anyways minutes of entertainment playing bumper cars on Grandma and Papa's deck. Did I mention it was like 20 degrees outside?

Inside the warm house I broke into Mason's Easter basket and stole these bunny ears and a few chocolate candies (he hasn't had candy yet...dentists are expensive)

A huge chocolate rabbit! Hallow head and all.

A huge Papa rabbit, he hadn't even had an evening toddie yet...he is just strange and the best Papa ever!

Matt wouldn't wear the ears so instead I made him pose for some pictures..he loves when I take his picture! HA...he has learned to just smile and get it over with because he knows I will not stop until he does.

Micah: "Babe your looking a little tired, all that studying for the PE must be wearing on you. Can I get you a drink, rub your feet...maybe a snack? "

Matt: "That would be great...all of those things."

Micah:"Great! you married the wrong woman."

Easter was different this year, we missed Cade, Emily, Keegan and Cormic:(

Heart full! Blessings galore having these three in our lives!

Matt and I really dressed up for the occasion. I pack a nice shirt for Mason but apparently forgot to think of least I match Matt.

Don't worry Uncle Cade I ate your share of cheese potatoes....darn these are good!

Baseball is kind of huge in our house, hence the new back ground! Because we can't go to baseball games quite yet with Mason we decided to dress in the Rockies garb instead. Opening day in CO was this past Friday and the weather was spectacular.

We worked on Mason's pitching skills while cleaning up "dog bombs" in the backyard. I use the word "we" loosely. I mostly sat on the steps getting some sun pointing out dog bombs to Matt. I am the self appointed project manager of the house.

Nice form son...I think your dad would rather you use your left hand!

Man you people tire me out....

The Rockies won 7-0.

There is something unique about listening to a baseball game on the radio (We don't have cable anymore but that is another blog post) and enjoying a spring afternoon with your family, that makes you thankful you get to be on this path!


Lee said...

Awww cutie! Looks like you are enjoying your spring! (Let that kid have a piece of candy and his cousin Kelsie will fix his teeth =) Just kidding, I think that is sooooo smart... just hard to do in two families that LOVE CANDY!


Kate and David said...

Love the pictures of Mason and Hunter sweet! =) and I have to say Uncle Will in the bunny ears is a keeper, ahahaha too funny!

Glad you all had a great Easter...missing you all bunches.

Ritter Family said...

I really enjoy reading your writing! You, much like myself, write like you speak. It's funny when you can hear someone's mannerisms in their writing. Anyway, I do have one dog, Violet, that prefers posing for pictures. Bruno is never in any pictures and it would seem that I am partial to Violet (slighty). Just wanted to check on Fisher? Good luck on the PE! AR passed on the second go round:) Lastly, ditto to the part about mid-afternoon playdates that involve wine! -SR

Lee said...

Hey Micah,
Ya on the toothpaste for Mason... but no fluoride! Not til he is 5 years old... once in a while won't hurt him, but just look for a kids toothpaste with out fluoride =)