Monday, May 3, 2010

April...thats a wrap!

Lets see folks...April was a busy month for us. One of us (not me) took the Professional Engineering (PE) Exam on April 16th. After 8 long hours of working engineering problems my handsome hubby left feeling good about his test...the bad part is he doesn't find out his results for 100 days. At least the studying is done and we will continue to pray that he passed.

Look at all those books...he didn't even take as many as some of the other test takers. Man do I love smart guys:) He logged 100+ hours preparing for the test. We will be sure to let you know when he passes!
Moving right along...we had a nice Sunday lunch with the Grandfolks. I got a great video of Mason giving his GG Bert a kiss but for some reason blogger has decided to change its format and it won't upload our video...grrrr!
We also enjoyed time with friends. Believe it or not there were other people here besides Sawyer (sorry Chris and Kathryn). Its just that I love this little guy and my camera was drawn to him as well. Trisha you look gorgeous as usual.
Were big on kissing....what can you say! Ryan you are such a good dad, always knew you would be!
Mason is just to cute...he points at EVERYTHING but he is also talking a lot. Not sure everyone can understand him but his mommy can. He will say " Lan car boon b" and I say oh you "love the car and the spoon and bird."
He is still up to his crazy antics..lots of climbing our stools!
And why are you in my kitchen sink steeling blueberries? And what is that blunt object in your hand? This boy is one crazy monkey. Oh and did I mention the tantrums....they have been a real joy as well. Still I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING!


Kate and David said...

CONGRATS Matt on taking the PE, that's awesome! We will be saying many a prayer that you passed....although we already have confidence you did great!! 100 days for feedback alive =/ talk about anticipation.

That monkey of yours is too how mom knows "Mason Talk" like the back of her hand =)

Love you guys and hope everyone's well!

Lee said...

Yay... so glad you posted again! Love to read whats going on in my sweet Colorado families lives =)

GOOOOO Matt... we know you passed! Can't wait to hear the good news! Such a good feeling to be finished with studying huh!?!

And oh Mason boy! You are ADORABLE! Can't wait to get you and Karly together again! You and her would have some good conversations!!!


p.s. Micah I had the same problem with uploading videos, but if you switch it back to the old format just to post the video it should work =)