Adult softball began this past week, my husband is part of a team called "Balls and a Bat." Ryan you are so CREATIVE!!! While Matt plays ball, I run and run...after this little monkey. One of the other moms even commented..."He never stops moving!". I am looking forward to next week because Trisha and Sawyer will be there so I will let Trisha run after Mason while I snuggle Sawyer (just kidding Trisha).
I would also like to report Matt still has "it" as do his other buddies playing on the team. You should see these college baseball players hit a slow pitch softball. They did beat the other team 20-0 and had to call it a game in the 3rd inning.
Dear baby brother,
Dear baby brother,
This is your older bossy smarter big sister....can you please move your beautiful wife and my darling nephews back to Colorado? And I guess you can come too:) Don't get me wrong your visit home for 5 days was nice but I greatly dislike the goodbyes and more importantly we have too much fun when we are together. I will keep praying and you can too and maybe we can buy a powerball or two...yeah I can rhyme!
I know the plane ride was suppose to be 4+ hours and it turned into 24+ hours with a wonderful nights stay in Detroit but you made it and the moment we saw your faces we all started to beam.

How did they grow so much in three months? Upon arrival Keegan announced "I am FOUR" and Cormic crawled and climbed everything. You better move home before they start driving and forget that their Aunt Micah is the coolest...
You all looked exhausted after that trip, so I suggested you take a nap and guess what...
you listened to me...
When you woke you realized how much Colorado has been missing you because mother nature provided snow in the middle of May. You and Emily both commented "that it felt so good to be home and that the snow really made it feel like home." The next day we hit 72 degree temps.

While you've been away we have been teaching Mason how to say your names. I swear we told him your name is sounds like he says Uncle "Gay" which to an older sister who tends to be immature at times, is hilarious. But because we want our child to be accepting of all we will continue to work on your name.

Is this not the cutest thing? The only thing that would be better is if Cormic was in the picture but he was one tired little guy. He was on east coast time which translated to a 4am wake up call for you guys and actually the rest of us because that lil' bean is one vocal fella.
Sorry I get off track..after a quick massage in Grandpa's chair the boys were ready to take on the house and every toy grandma has in it...

Now seriously what is more fun than naked ball jumping? Actually that seems like it might hurt.
Maybe a nice bath will calm them down? Nope...but it will cause a temper tantrum when you have to get them out! I told mom that it confuses me when kids want to stay in a freezing cold tub..."your lips are blue and your teeth are chattering, we should get them out" and than she politely reminds me that you and I did the same thing as kids. Well our kids are smarter than her kids!
And than the battery in our camera died.....thats what happens when you back talk mom!
and of course I didn't pack the charger.
I was really bummed because I wanted to get more pictures of lets say the girls in the family but Emily did so I will have to steel hers.
It was really refreshing to see all of you and to kiss the cheekies of my sweet nephews. We ended the fun filled weekend at the mall for a goodbye lunch and some carousel ridding. I tried to pack Keegan, Mason, and Cormic into our stroller but Emily caught me and told me we would have to come visit instead and because I am a mom I decided to return your off-spring, your welcome.
As you know I am horrible at goodbyes and cry the minute hugs are being after bawling my eyes out I did my best to push Mason in the stroller through the mall sniffling the entire way.
Be safe family, we will see you soon, and we are proud of you for working hard and doing what you have to do. Love you more than you will ever know.
-Your favorite sister
PS "Keegan, wait...don't leave!"
Oh my gosh... that last picture is the BEST! I feel for you Micah, I don't think I would be able to live so far away from either of my sisters for too long! We will just pray that maybe it won't be for too much longer for you guys! So good to see Cade and those two cute boys! Cormic is growing so much and is SUCH AN ADORABLE BABY BOY! Keegan is like a little man now! CRAZY! We love all of you guys! Please tell Cade, Emily and the boys we said hello and hope all is well.
What a fun house full of baby boys =) I looks like you all enjoyed your much missed family time together. Time apart makes you appreciate those moments even more. We love you all bunches and pray you all will be closer soon!
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