I contacted google daily....and when I almost gave up hope, they let me in! Thank you google person who restored our accounts. Let this serve as a reminder that I will back up our blog and print out info from Mason's first year (at a minimum).

The same friday that we were hijacked our landscaping was too! Just as we were packing up our cars and getting ready to head to my parents for the night this lovely storm came over the foothills. Literally, in 30 seconds of loading Mason in his carseat and me sitting in the car the heavens unleashed some huge hail.....

Mason and I sat in my car looking at Matt standing on our porch helpless. The hail was so loud you couldn't hear. I wasn't worried about the hail as much as the tornado warnings along the front range. I looked back at Mason and he was kind of scared so I asked him "do you want me to sing to you?" and he shook his head "yes" So I belted out "Wheels on the bus" as loud as I could muster. I am not sure what is scarier...me singing, our golf ball size hail? Matt, don't answer that.
After about 5 minutes there was a break in the weather and Matt rescued us with a huge box over our heads. Our trees and flowers did not fare so well....and our street looks like a tornado hit.

But as with all storms in life they eventually have to move on and the sun will shine again. Guess I am feeling philosophical today...I am overwhelmed with joy that our memories were retrieved from the world wide web and I can blog again. Also thanks to our local news station I was able to "borrow" these weather pictures.
We are heading on a little adventure with family so we will talk to you next week, at which point I will share some really exciting news. No. I am not pregnant.
Oh I am so glad you got everything back... I knew you were using your blog as a "baby book" for Mason and was so sad to hear what had happened.
Was wondering why you sent me a viagra e-mail?!? I thought, this is a really weird joke =)
Great pictures of that crazy storm.. I showed Ricky the hail picture and he says, "Dang, those will F up some cars!" Ahhh the way a guys mind thinks =)
Love you guys, looking forward to the good news!
Thank Goodness you got all of your blog posts back! Go make a book out of all of these entries right NOW!
I can't believe the size of that hail! Holy Cow! Just another reason I live in CA! Love you guys! Sorry about the blog thing, but I am sure there will be MANY more awesome memories to share. Hope all is well, and we hope to see you soon!
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