The holiday weekend began on Thursday for Mason and I when a BIG dump truck arrived to deposit all this rock in my driveway. My husband the engineer/athlete/landscape/fix anything himselfer had big plans for our back yard and he spent most of last week prepping for his precious rocks. Mason and I just climbed them and threw them.
See that look, that is the look of mischief...but see those flowers (lilacs) in the background those are the sign of summer. Every time I walk out our front door, I stop and bask in their aroma. I would like to rub them on myself but our neighbor's already think I'm odd and I don't need to feed the gossip mill.
Anyways, I would like to point out a Colorado fashion its warm enough to have shorts and a T-shirt on in the morning but socks are still needed with your sandals. Ya its cool and so are Mason's fleece diapers!
I would also like to report that Mason has begun his training for the Boulder Boulder next year...Nick he can run in the same heat as you! Seriously this kid is fast or maybe its that I am slow but regardless he loves to run.
"Whoa that was some good runnin Mama how about we stretch, get something to snack on and head over to meet Baby Ari"
This is baby Arianna "Ari" Borrego. Is she not the cutest cupcake you have ever seen? Only 3 months and has more hair than Matt.
She is the daughter of a good friend of mine, Alicia. Mason and I went over to finally meet her and catch up with our new mommy. She is such a good baby and I told Alicia you are so lucky. Please don't get me wrong but Mason was a high maintenance baby and I love him no less but I do admire these good easy going babies and can only pray that Gilbreath baby # 2 will not follow suite to her big bro.
Congratulations Chuck and Alicia! She is one cutie but you might want to lock her up in lets say 15 years.
SO back at the ranch...the landscaping project had begun
SO back at the ranch...the landscaping project had begun
It doesn't seem like much but when your name is Matt Gilbreath and you are a perfectionist it takes some time to get the job done to your standards. Nice straight line honey, did you really lay 60 of those bricks yourself?
Mason and I "helped" if you mean by help drove Matt crazy!
I love DIY projects because you always forget something or don't have enough of something and you have to hop in the car and head to the "Deper" (That's our nickname for home depot) at 7:30 at night when your toddler should be getting ready for bed but instead you feel like since it is a Friday night maybe getting out of the house would be like an adventure plus the deper is only 5 minutes from our house.

So you get the lil' whipper snapper in the cart
So you get the lil' whipper snapper in the cart
All seems good until
you didn't give him the camera and he flips out in the checkout line...that's what I get for wanting a "late night" outing.
BUT After a good nights sleep and a whole lot of shoveling of rock first thing in the morning (I actually did help with this while Mason napped) we cleaned up and headed to a party.
We saw lots of good friends and Mason tried to jack Sawyer's keys until Sawyer sat on Mason just kidding. I love when babies are in their chunky phase and Sawyer is one plump lil' monkey.
We celebrate our good friend Wes's 30th, his wife Amanda's graduation from Med School, and than wished them farewell because they moved to Phoenix yesterday where she will complete her residency. Looks like we will have to go and visit the land of the sun but maybe we will wait until the winter or at least fall. Congrats, good luck, we will miss you and please come back someday:)
Until Sunday that this story seems long but trust me its worth it.
After another labor intensive morning and a run, we drove up to my parents for some BBQ and R and R. They had been raking all morning and we had been shoveling, so we decided our work was harder than is our kid...we are going to take a nap...
We didn't really nap but we did stare off into space a lot and mumble words like "no more shovel"
Mason on the other hand found the mountain air energizing. You can't tell in the picture but Mason does not have a diaper on. We let him run naked quite often but my dad and Matt decided to snap his onesie because they feared where splinters might end up if he were to fall on the deck..ha ha.

Ok so the end is not totally worth it to our readers but to the owner of this backyard it is....
What's that? You are going to rock the side of our driveway as well. Hmmm that wasn't in the contract I signed off on.

Our hardworking family and friend filled weekend was great! But taking a few minutes to reflect on our freedom and give thanks is really what this weekend is all about. To our grandfathers who served in the WWII and Korea, our uncles and my dad who served in Vietnam, our cousins and friends who served in the military during times of peace and to all the people whom we don't know personally who serve(d) and gave your time or the ultimate price your life so we can live in a FREE country....we will never be able to thank you like we should but we will hang our flag in your honor. Amen!
Ok so the end is not totally worth it to our readers but to the owner of this backyard it is....
But um there is still a lot of rock in our you need me to review some simple math equations like calculating a volume?
What's that? You are going to rock the side of our driveway as well. Hmmm that wasn't in the contract I signed off on.
Our hardworking family and friend filled weekend was great! But taking a few minutes to reflect on our freedom and give thanks is really what this weekend is all about. To our grandfathers who served in the WWII and Korea, our uncles and my dad who served in Vietnam, our cousins and friends who served in the military during times of peace and to all the people whom we don't know personally who serve(d) and gave your time or the ultimate price your life so we can live in a FREE country....we will never be able to thank you like we should but we will hang our flag in your honor. Amen!
So sounds like you are cloth diapering too! According to my friends & family in Texas, I am the breastfeeding (in public), co-sleeping, cloth diapering hippie out here in colorful Colorado. We've been using Rumparooz based out of Golden. We already let Gracie hang out daily without a diaper on, it's good for their little bottoms:) I hear when they get bigger they take their diapers off themselves and run around naked. Good thing we got snaps instead of velcro. -SR
I love DIY projects =)....sometimes the longer, more stressful route...but well worth it in the end and much more appreciated! The backyard looks great. Looks like you guys had a great Memorial Weekend. Love you all.
P.S. Home Depot grumpy pics are my fav....cute even when he might throw a little tude =)
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