Thursday, June 7, 2012

6 months down

I am feeling big again and have accepted that is how my body does pregnancy. Its hard to believe we only have 14 weeks left until Max is here. I can officially say that because we scheduled my C-section for Friday September 14th, so unless he comes early, it is 14 weeks until he is here. September 14th was Nancy (Matt's Moms) birthday, pretty cool that we could have him share that day.

A repeat C-section has been an "on the fence decision" for me.  I have allowed people's comments to make me feel like doing a C-section makes me less of a Mom when really having a baby is tough no matter how you roll the dice. It has ultimately ALWAYS come down to what is best for baby, with both Mason and Max. SO at my last Dr.'s appointment I discussed in depth my option to do a C-section or try to do a VBAC. Two of the Dr.'s in the practice would not let me do a VBAC because of Mason's size and the length of his labor (37 hours before Cesarean). The Doctor I saw that day said she would let me do it but was 90% sure I would end up in the same scenario. My concerns for wanting to attempt a VBAC are nursing and baby being able to clear his lungs. Statistically, vaginal births have better results with both of those things, which is pretty obvious because that is how nature intended babies to be born. She assured me that my long labor with Mason which resulted in him being in the NICU (they had to supplement)  was the reason my milk took longer to come in and that I would be nursing just fine. And as for his lungs, its always a risk and they do their best to suction and keep a close eye on baby, this is still a risk with vaginal births too. SO I am at peace with my decision and thankful that modern day medicine allows me to have babies.

I have been going back and reading blog posts from my pregnancy with Mason, which is so nice to have because you really do forget. So at month 6, I have to say this pregnancy has been easier...or maybe my perspective is different. So far I have had very mild swelling that comes and gos with the heat or my sodium intake (ie I am swearing off Mexican and Italian Restaurants.) With Mason I was very swollen by this point and could only wear flip flops. I am sleeping fairly well and though I am experiencing Carpel Tunnel again, it only seems to be at night. I have not been popping Rolaids yet like I did with Mason. I do think my fuse is a little shorter this pregnancy but that could be the trying moments of a three year old. All in all I feel good and am enjoying all those nudges and kicks from Mr. Max.

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