Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The hottest summer on record

Our state is burning up and we have been in the 100's for the past five days....We are all praying for rain and relief for those firefighters and people loosing their homes. It really has been a memorable summer for good and bad reasons. I get a lot of sympathy being 7 months preggers in this heat (I don't like sympathy) but I have to say it hasn't been too bad...but I will post more about that and Grandma B's 80th soon.

Mason's cousin's Cormic

and Keegan (and their parents) are back in Colorado and we have been having so much fun up at Camp Grandma and Papa.

Grandma and Papa's bed is always a favorite spot, dogs included.

We all tried to escape to the mountains hoping for cooler temps...but nope it was still freaking hot!!!
A mid-day siesta is all you can do until the sun starts to set.  
The hammock is another fun spot...however it always turns into someone getting thrown out.

Its been interesting watching these friendships continue to form. My child is SO COMPETITIVE and not very good at loosing! We are continually working on it and trying to beat him at games but I think he is the mold of his father...and them boys is hard to break.

These boys are good helpers especially when you throw some friendly compition into the mix..."Boy you betta shuck your corn faster than your cuz'n"

Last weekend with Denver in the 100's we gladly headed up to the folks to celebrate our beautiful Mother and Grandmother! It is cool to watch my Mom as a Grandma, nothing makes her happier than being with her boys. They were all up on the trampoline rolling and giggling for an hour.

The Grandboys were very excited to make their Grandma's birthday special!
Mason likes to say "prayer" before every meal and he has everyone around the table say what they are thankful for.
He said "He was thankful for his Grandma!"
 Keegan said "He was thankful to be back with all his family"
Cormic said "he was thankful for the cake"...That kid cracks me up!

Such sweet and caring boys we are trying to raise:-)

Today Emily and I took the boys to the Aquarium to try and beat the heat....good thing thousands of other people had the same idea. We love the aquarium and seeing these lovely Mermaids being toted around on a cart made me laugh.  
On the drive home out of no where Mason asked me "Mom why were those mermaids being drove around? Is it because they have no buns and they need a ride to the bathroom!" Ummm ya where did he come up with that and how does he know they have no buns?!?!

PS can you tell I am a Mom using words like buns...

All in all the summer has been fun so far and we are tickled pink to have more family around to share it with. I guess they are the three amigos for now....Good luck Max you are definitely going to have to hold your own with these three!

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