Tuesday, September 11, 2012

39 weeks and nesting

We can just call this 39 weeks since I am officially 39 weeks tomorrow. Mr. Max has been giving me quite the go around the past few weeks but is staying nestled in his "mommy hot-tub."  I was pretty sure he was coming Saturday night as I timed contractions for 8 hours...they were only 8 minutes apart and that was not enough to go to L and D. So I sat up reading and watching re-runs of NY med until the wee hours. By Sunday afternoon they started to decrease and eventually stopped.  I am pretty sure we will make it to our Friday date but anything is possible, right?
One of the best side effects of being pregnant has to be "nesting!" My house is organized and super clean and I have been cooking up a storm. Trying to have a supply of frozen meals for the next month. Lasagna, enchiladas, A LOT of homemade green chile, crock pot ready meals, breads, healthy muffins, ect...It feels like we have checked everything off the list.


1 comment:

Ania said...

Good job on being super prepared!