Friday, June 3, 2011

BUGS and Mo Bugs

Mason has been learning about Bugs at school which pairs nicely with the season. I am sure they didn't plan that curriculum it just a coincidence!

We have been finding worms when we garden and dig mug. Mason insisted one day that he carry this "sleeping" worm around until it wakes up. He and GG even made up a song about the worm going to worm heaven. He has also been storing worms in his pants, he says they tickle! I am more than disturbed by this and we are seeking counseling immediately:)

So I figured with all this bug talk we should head out to the Butterfly Pavilion to meet Rosie the Trantula!

There are some really cool insects at that place...

and they have butterflies too! Hence the name... 

And this morning we discovered a large miller moth at our doorstep.  Mason and I named him "Mo." I would say "would you like anything Mo!" and Mason would say "Can you hear those birds Mo?" and I would say "Those birds would love to eat some Mo!" 

You get it!
After ten minutes of chatter with Mo I turned my back to water the flowers and Mason got a hold of Mo...holding him by one wing and asking him "if he liked trash trucks!"

Don't worry I saved him and he is now in rehabilitation capsule so he can fly free again.

The end.

Oh except one more thing I do stand up on Friday evening from 8-9 in our living room after a few adult beverages have been consumed. I am usually the only one laughing so please come by to laugh too, I could use the self esteem boost.

ok. The end.

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