Friday, December 7, 2012

Is it really December?

Its hard to believe Max is 12 weeks today! He is smiling and cooing and SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Holy batman its awesome even if he reverts back to waking at 6 months because he is teething or going through a growth spurt. Santa came early for this mama and I get to be one of those god awful mom's who brags about how easy her baby me I now the other end of the spectrum too!

he truly is the sweetest little guy!

In the past few months we have been a little busy, not sure why!?!? Good thing I have some photos to remind me what we did because I have a horrific case of Mom brain!

 We carved pumpkins

attended the Halloween parade at school and trick or treated

We celebrated my 33rd birthday with family (my cousin Kate and David were visiting so it was extra special) and I didn't take any photos!

We went to a Broncos game without the kids and my boobs almost exploded!
We practiced our ninja moves

attempted a family photo

but a pouty four year old refused (we wouldn't let him wear superhero)

so he ran away! I offered to pack a bag for him but he told me "NO and that he didn't need a shirt where he was going!" We wished him good luck and told him we loved him!

the dogs waited

and we took some weird pics of a baby and a turkey!

and than low and behold our sweet Mason returned, cold and hungry, and just in time for a turkey feast with his shirt on! Power of the wills....I win!

a quick family photo

 his very own turkey leg and a "may I please be excused"

turned him back into our very own crime fighter

All the while Max did this

and than he did this

and I did this

hoping that a superhero birthday bash the following weekend would give Mason enough of a fix he would cold Turkey quit superheros! More to come on that by 2013!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brothers? What do you think?

Max at 10 weeks

Mason at 11 weeks

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

These are the days of our lives and we don't even know it!"

I totally stole that quote from a Duggars episode.An episode where 10 of their 19 kids were puking everywhere and they found humor in the stress! Anyways those words that Miss baby maker Duggar spoke reminded me of a recent experience I shared with my boys. I know I only have 2 but that's all
some of us can handle.
It was one of those moments when your like "holy crap I have two kids and smell like pee and breast milk because I haven't showered
in 3 days!" engineering school has nothing on that.

I ventured out to a trick or treat street at our local rec to meet some dear friends and get my ass out of the house. After a great hour of Mason burning energy and Max sleeping in the ergo we decided to head home. Of course as we were leaving,
Max awoke screaming to be nursed and Mason threw an epic tantrum because we were leaving and he was hungry...I am pretty sure I fed him lunch that day but not 100% certain! So I thew everyone in the car and began to nurse Max in the front seat(I flash everyone these days, if you want to see some use to be good boobs I drive a sliver murano) I opened a snack for Mason, turned on the Lion king soundtrack for the million and one time and right when I was about to catch my breath the famous words of a toddler were spoken "I have to go pee!" so I did what every good mother does, grabbed a plastic water bottle, removed the lid and helped him pee in the bottle one handed, all while his little brother nursed! On the drive home I cranked the radio up with Alicia Keys new song "This girl is on fire" and held my head a little higher. I got this mother thing, I have arrived! I am also getting my IUD as soon as possible because 19 kids is not my idea of a good time.
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In a month

Hours old
1 week old, so sleepy!
2 weeks old, loves being outside but still so sleepy!
3 weeks old, starting to wake up but maybe he would rather be sleeping!
1 month old, "ok I think its time to start waking up a little and check out this big bad world. "

As most parents of a newborn can attest, these weeks are exhausting, even with the easiest of babies. Max is an easy baby and we are tired. The newborn phase is easier this go around and I am trying to find refuge in all the quiet moments....but of course with an almost four year old there aren't many of those.

this one is mostly on the go

with moments of pure sweetness...

We are blessed.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


The day before Max arrived I hit the wall of pregnancy, the "I am really ready to have him on the outside" wall of pregnancy. I had swept our entire driveway that was covered in damn crab apples, secretly hoping it would put me in labor. Some where in my head it felt wrong that I wasn't in labor and I was disturbing this happy little baby in my stomach who wasn't ready to come out. Well I really hurt my back doing this and spent the entire day not being able to walk without a limp...

The night before my parents arrived at our house to stay the night and I tried to keep my nerves calm and my emotions in check. Easier to say than do...I slept on the couch for maybe an hour or two. It was hard for me to kiss a sleeping Mason goodbye....
It was nice to have two of my favorites with me while we waited for two grueling hours before my surgery. Isn't the hospital attire sexy and slimming?!?!

The C-section was interesting....I had the power team of women in there with me. An awesome surgical nurse Jaime, who grew up near me and now dates a guy I went to school with and lives 1 mile up the road from my parents...the super sexy and confident anesthesiologist with cute heels tall beautiful doctor that you just know got all A's in medical school...and the strong and seasoned pediatric nurse who has been taking care of babies for 30+ years....It was a strong team of women. The only guy in there was an assistant to the pediatric nurse. Matt was joking with us later on that he could see the glimmer in my Mom's eyes when she saw all these strong women working on her daughter and grandson...Women power!!!

Max came out purple and not breathing. I could kind of see him off to the side, instant love and worry. Matt and my Mom did a good job of not letting me know what was going on while they quickly worked on him and FINALLY got him to cry. He had a lot of fluid in his lungs.

I too had my freak out moment when they were putting me back together, it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, the pressure was out of this world, and again I was thankful for the team of people working on me and more importantly my Mom. She always knows how to keep me calm and because she had c-sections she kept reassuring me it was normal. She kept telling me how beautiful Max was and holding my hand.  

For me, having done this before, gave me the confidence to tell the staff what my wishes when they told me they had to observe Max for a while because his Oxygen levels were low I told them they were not allowed to supplement him without my permission. I didn't get that choice with Mason and breastfeeding was a challenge. Breastfeeding is so much easier this time.

After I was stable they wheeled me up to see my lil' astronaut who was spending sometime in his oxygen tent for a few hours until he was released to our room.

And his big brother and Grandma and Papa could not get enough of him...

His Aunt Angela and GG and Grandpa Larry headed over to meet our lil' guy

and his Aunt Ang and Uncle Nick brought us dinner

It was really hard for me to be away from Mason so when I asked if I could go home on day 2 and my Doctor said "yes" I was ecstatic.

I was ready for life to start with all my boys!

 And boy has it...I think I am finally getting the swing of it with two...the new normal. Mason is doing a lot better since my last post...and we all are so in love with Max. Its hard to believe is almost been a month.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


A doula friend of mine posted this on FB a while ago and it makes me laugh every time I see it...maybe next summer I will be in our yard doing such pose with nursling. The shock it would put on our neighbors face would be worth it!

Things are in a definite adjustment period but truthfully things are awesome. Things are very busy and some moments I just have to tell myself to relax a little, I will get my niche. The floors don't have to be done everyday and sure a little dust on the TV stand and side tables never hurt anyone. Teeth brushing is a nice benifit and sitting down and eating a meal are things of the past that will return someday:-) Really just enjoying these two is my job and anything else I can manage to fit in is a bonus. Like posting a blog today.

Overnight Mason became HUGE...a real kid to me. It hit me like a ton of bricks.  Mason is adjusting:-) He can't seem to sit still and its as if he feels he doesn't quite know his place in our family. I asked him last night "what's going on, you can't sit still?" he responded "you don't hold me anymore!" UGH!!!

He loves Max (thank God) but has been luke warm with us...its breaking my heart. I miss him. I feel torn. I know things have changed.  He is no longer our only prince and for a 3 almost 4 year old that is rough. I know time will make it better but for now I am doing my best to find little moments to hug and snuggle him as best as I can.

Here are a few pics of Max at the Peds office yesterday. See all the goo on the and poo..that is what he does...eats, sleeps, goos and poos...AND I LOVE IT!

At 12 days Max is a nursing, snuggling, and easy baby and so far, tall just like his brother, 90th percentile. Our Pediatrician told me my boys could be the next football brother duo, he said they will be between 6'4" and 6'7". I could care less as long as they are healthy and happy but I think their sports loving Dad was excited to hear that news.

Isn't he just the cutest?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

39 weeks and nesting

We can just call this 39 weeks since I am officially 39 weeks tomorrow. Mr. Max has been giving me quite the go around the past few weeks but is staying nestled in his "mommy hot-tub."  I was pretty sure he was coming Saturday night as I timed contractions for 8 hours...they were only 8 minutes apart and that was not enough to go to L and D. So I sat up reading and watching re-runs of NY med until the wee hours. By Sunday afternoon they started to decrease and eventually stopped.  I am pretty sure we will make it to our Friday date but anything is possible, right?
One of the best side effects of being pregnant has to be "nesting!" My house is organized and super clean and I have been cooking up a storm. Trying to have a supply of frozen meals for the next month. Lasagna, enchiladas, A LOT of homemade green chile, crock pot ready meals, breads, healthy muffins, ect...It feels like we have checked everything off the list.


Friday, August 31, 2012

Turn Baby Turn

A while back I caught one of those episodes of "I didn't know I was pregnant" and the woman they were profiling started to give birth to a breach (footling; see diagram below) baby boy. None the less it was in a truck stop bathroom and she thought she had the flu until a foot was sticking out of her really freaked me out so I stopped watching that show all together. Anywho...I have been a little nervous about Max being breech. Even with a scheduled c-section, the thought of going into quick labor and a foot appearing seemed to enter my mind from time to time. SO yesterday when I went in for my check up I was pretty pumped when my doc wanted to do an ultrasound just to confirm he was breech. When we looked on the screen, he was head down, ready to rumble.
 No more nightmares about feet out my hoohaw!

I am pretty sure he turned in the past week because there has been some major alien action going on in my tummy! The past few days have also been slightly hellish...early labor, major pressure ect...I just keep saying that my pregnancy has been awesome so if the last few weeks suck I can muster through...and than I forget that mantra and I complain some more to my Husband and Mom.

This time of year I am always thinking of sweet Nancy, miss her so much! Her birthday is the 14th and it would be very special to have Max share that day with his Angel Grandma  BUT I am about 2cm dilated, so who knows, could be tomorrow could be on the 14th! I will leave that up to the big man and the little man in my belly (and our Grandma Angel!)
This was July 1981; Nancy pregnant with Matt. Maternity clothes and Men's shorts have come a long way since than:-)

 FYI for those that care, if I go into labor i.e. intense "toe curling" contractions 5 minutes apart for more than hour I am to go to Labor and delivery OR if my water breaks...otherwise by Law, Doctors can not do a scheduled C-section until 39 weeks! No matter how miserable the begging pregnant lady might be:-)

We are planning to have a productive labor day weekend whether that be house projects or having a baby I don't know. Have a safe and fun Labor day and if anything happens I will be sure to let you know!

Monday, August 27, 2012

36w4d, a few of my favorite things, the nursery, the zoo and "our spiderman"

My iPhone is on the outs thus the photo quality is not too good BUT I am pretty sure even in this blurry pic you can tell I am HUGE!!! I still feel pretty good, getting uncomfortable as expected but all in all feeling well. I am almost 37 has gone by so fast. He is still "very breech" to quote my I guess a C-section was inevitable.

This is silly but these are a few things I have Loved during my pregnancy...

Lemon Grass Spa products. This is a spa that is near my parents house that started to make all their own organic product line. My sister in law Angie gave me some of these baby items at my sprinkle (her best friend sells them if anyone wants some) and I have been using them on my belly and feet daily...I am so dry! I can't wait to try out the Baby line on Max.

The Boppy belly wedge....Great for the third Tri...I can not sleep without this thing. It takes all the belly weight off my hips and I love it!

Max's room...pretty simple little nursery that I decided to do in a "Colorado Whimsical Woodsy theme!" Say that 10x fast....
Its funny how this time around the layout of the room is entirely based on functionality. Wipes, hamper and diaper pail all at a fingers reach...

We did one accent wall in a "Colorado Sky Blue" and God bless IKEA for kids stuff because I love that I paid $12.99 for that rug.

Our MOD Owl sheets... and sheepskin tummy time mat.

We are planning to have Max sleep in our room for the first 4-6 months in an Arm's reach Co-sleeper. Love having baby close and with a C-section and nursing its a no brainer.

 We still have to get the art hung....
I love and I found this adorable CO print at a local etsy shop...I am going to do some wall words around it that will read "Let him sleep, for when he wakes...He will move Mountains!"

And these cute graphics I found online and printed myself and framed

I love these fun little projects and this will probably be the only time my boys let me help decorate their rooms. Mason already has his new room planned out with of course....Spiderman.

Speaking of my little Spiderman, he and I ventured out to the new Denver Zoo Asian tropics. We had been waiting all summer to go. Kind of sad because we have a membership but with the heat and the crowds I decided to wait until school was back in session.

We did not escape the heat but this new section of the zoo was well worth the wait...

 Such a handsome kind hearted kid...its hard to believe he will be 4 in a few short months
This is the first time I didn't bring a stroller and probably the last for a while, since we will have an infant in toe.

The elephants were our highlight and its so fun that Mason loves learning about all the animals now instead of just running around like a wild Monkey. I really love the age he is at.

These last few weeks I have been trying to just live in the moment and truly take in ever last breath of him being my "only!" Every last breath of being pregnant...because I am not sure if there will be another. I am emotional and this is bittersweet. I am ready to meet our Max when he is and I know I will love him with the same fervor as I do his big brother. I do feel sad and guilty that my first born could be distant from me for a while, that our relationship is going to change. I know time will replace all those silly feelings but for now I am all sorts of emotions wrapped up into one big pregnant lady.

Our first pepper harvested from our modest garden.