Friday, June 8, 2012

Mason at 3 1/2

A typical daily conversation with Mason goes like this:
Mason: Mom, Mom, Mom....when can I go to big boy school?
Me: When you are 5
Mason: Ok. I will be 5 tomorrow!
Me: No you will be 3 tomorrow and 4 in November!
Mason: No Mom! I will be 5 tomorrow and I will be bigger than you. Last night when I went to sleep I already grew more. And my birthday is in July because me and Dad have to have our birthdays in July.

He talks a lot and most of our conversations are him arguing with me. I try to laugh a lot about it but some days I ask him "to please not talk until he is 5!"

Why do you want to grow up so fast when you are little? Doesn't he realize how good he has easy life is at this age;-)?!?!

Mason at 3 1/2 is:
constantly "constructing" imaginative things...this day he made a pool and repeatedly shouted  "cannon ball" while jumping into it.

He climbs everything. He has done this for a while but the new really fun part is jumping off EVERYTHING! I will be amazed if we make it to "big boy" school with out a broken bone.

He is very determined to win

and will not give up without a fight

he didn't win this battle but he sure tried.  
He is sensitive and thankful and will often tell me "Mom, me and my belly thank you for that delicious meal!"

He manages and plays all the positions on his own baseball team, called the Rockies. There are no girls allowed on the team. This pisses me off because I am a girl and I can play ball. We are not sure where he has come up with this "Girls can't do what boys do" but be darn sure that his Grandma and I are helping to straighten him out!

Most tasks are a fight or an argument and we try hard to find the humor in them, bedtime is the biggest challenge.

He is convinced his Dad is the strongest, smartest, and fastest person on earth! They are best friends and I love that.

He has just begun the stage of  "seeing a shadow in his room or hearing a monster" and of course Dad is the superhero to rid his room of such things.

He loves to play make believe, has imaginary friends, is not shy about belting out a made up song or dancing in front of you.

He loves the letter "W" and the number 5 (go figure)! His favorite superhero is Spiderman, even though we won't let him watch it. His favorite disney character is Mickey and no one else is allowed to like him. He loves Lego's and trucks and building forts. His Grandma and Papa own a mountain and he likes to go there. He loves the outdoors and would sleep out there if we let him (until the shadows come). 

 He is a good eater and loves Chicken, rice, broccoli, and blackberries more than anything. He is a self confessed Chipoltle addict. Deli Lays and Baked cheetos are his vices. He despises chocolate and milk (totally not my kid when it comes to that!)

He is still so innocent! He has moments when he is sweet and cuddly and we gobble up those moments any chance we get. He is a good kid. He is buckets of fun.

He is our hearts!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Love our Man Mason! Can't believe how fast they grow. He is a one of a kind, kind hearted, energetic, good looking speacial little boy that we ALL love so much!!!!