Wednesday, September 26, 2012


A doula friend of mine posted this on FB a while ago and it makes me laugh every time I see it...maybe next summer I will be in our yard doing such pose with nursling. The shock it would put on our neighbors face would be worth it!

Things are in a definite adjustment period but truthfully things are awesome. Things are very busy and some moments I just have to tell myself to relax a little, I will get my niche. The floors don't have to be done everyday and sure a little dust on the TV stand and side tables never hurt anyone. Teeth brushing is a nice benifit and sitting down and eating a meal are things of the past that will return someday:-) Really just enjoying these two is my job and anything else I can manage to fit in is a bonus. Like posting a blog today.

Overnight Mason became HUGE...a real kid to me. It hit me like a ton of bricks.  Mason is adjusting:-) He can't seem to sit still and its as if he feels he doesn't quite know his place in our family. I asked him last night "what's going on, you can't sit still?" he responded "you don't hold me anymore!" UGH!!!

He loves Max (thank God) but has been luke warm with us...its breaking my heart. I miss him. I feel torn. I know things have changed.  He is no longer our only prince and for a 3 almost 4 year old that is rough. I know time will make it better but for now I am doing my best to find little moments to hug and snuggle him as best as I can.

Here are a few pics of Max at the Peds office yesterday. See all the goo on the and poo..that is what he does...eats, sleeps, goos and poos...AND I LOVE IT!

At 12 days Max is a nursing, snuggling, and easy baby and so far, tall just like his brother, 90th percentile. Our Pediatrician told me my boys could be the next football brother duo, he said they will be between 6'4" and 6'7". I could care less as long as they are healthy and happy but I think their sports loving Dad was excited to hear that news.

Isn't he just the cutest?


Ania said...

Max is adorable. Congratulations! I thought I missed your birth post annoucement - but I think you have more imporant things to do these days -like cuddle with your 2 adorable boys! I don't have any read advice on the Mason situation since I don't even have one yet - but I am sure this is just a temporary adjustment period and he will be back to his usual hugs and kisses in no time!

Lee said...

OK, that first picture makes me laugh!!! I can actually do that Yoga pose (Harder than it looks) but NEVER tried breastfeeding with it, nor have I tried it butt naked... hahahaha.
Max is just too stinkin adorable for words. He makes my heart melt!
Mason is just as cute as ever too and is going to adjust just fine. Karly never went through too much of that so I know it's just a tiny hiccup for Mason. I tried to always make Karly feel like she was the big helper with Ab... she enjoyed feeling like she played a big part in the huge change in our lives. (not sure if this tip is useful for all families though, you know how different all kids are). ALL I DO KNOW IS THIS... Mason knows how much you and Matt adore him, and he and Max are so lucky to have two AMAZING parents. And he also knows how much Max already loves him and he will look up to him his whole life... so blessed you guys are and we are beyond happy for you ALL!!! LOVE YOU!!!!