Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 13: Is it March or May? and baby Yoda

We have had record high temperatures this week. Yesterday it was 77 degrees here and usually this time of year it is in the 40/50's. So we have been taking a lot more walks with the doggies. The only downside to this beautiful weather is we NEED the moisture. Fire danger is high and that is scary.

Today we took a nice long walk and Mason faced forward in the pack for the first time. He is getting so big, actually he is 16.5 lbs!!! I think he is ready to chow down on some solid food but we will wait a few more months for now he is getting his fill of breast milk.

My mom and dad took Mason on Saturday evening so we could attend a friends 30th birthday (we are entering that stage). Matt and I drove up later that night, I am not ready to leave him quite yet even though they would be the people I would do so if need be (Matt liked that idea too). Anyways, he had a blast there. My mom and dad are the best and they are even better grandparents.

Grandpa hanging out with our furry boys and our baby boy. That boppy looks great on you dad, just in time to nurse Mason:)

He loves to stare at grandpa, can't figure out that mustache or all the kisses.

Love those bright colors and my grandparents!

So Matt decided our son looks like Yoda, maybe we have a Halloween costume picked out?

1 comment:

Lee said...

O little yoda... I would have to say Mason is WAY CUTER than yoda... but that would be a really cute costume :) He is looking more and more like Matt to me?!? Do you guys get that a lot? Love you and Happy Week 13 Mason... (it's mine and Ricky's lucky number!)

Ricky, Kelsie and Karly