Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 34: Baby Booty

Mason got to spend sometime with our friends Ryan and Trisha this past weekend. Trisha is 26 weeks pregnant and cute as ever. They are moving and Ryan and Matt spent the day using their muscles and loading the Uhaul while Trisha and I visited and Mason gave her some practice at things to come. They are having a boy:)

When we got home we were tuckered out but our little energy bomb was not. He loves to have his clothes off (quite normal for babies) so I let him scoot around in his diapy but that was not enough to we went with the full monty!

Nothing cuter than naky baby booty.

Look at those muscles:)

Like a Greek statue:)
All was well until he stood up against the couch and peed all over was fun while it lasted.


Lee said...

Naky Baby... love it! Its so funny how when you are exhausted it seems like they are NOT AT ALL! Oh I can not wait to get my hands on those cheeks in September... SO EXCITED!!! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for helping us out! We closed on Friday and are officially homeless! Mason is such a cutie - love the naked pics!