Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 50: Yup, I'm 30

My lovely family whisked me away to Vail for the weekend to celebrate my 30th. My folks have a lot of friends in the Vail area and my godmother Linda and her friend Dagmar were gracious enough to host my birthday at the big Piper house. I had my 16th birthday there and my bachelorette party. Needless to say they are way to good to me.

My parents, Mason, and I headed up Thursday and the rest of the crowd came up on Friday.

Every room had a phone like this and Mason was obsessed with them so I finally unplugged one and let him have his way with it.

Friday morning we headed outside to play (before the huge snowstorm hit). Mason was intrigued with the pine cones

If he can climb on it, he loves it!!!

Mom's balloons were pretty fun. The ceilings in the main living room are 40-feet tall so we were doing are best to get the suckers tied before the kids let them take a trip to the ceiling.

Friday evening was a lot of fun and my friends and family came to celebrate. I did turn 30 on Friday the 13th and thank god my friends and family that braved the icy roads and blizzard conditions to be there made it safe and sound.
I was having so much fun that I forgot to get a lot of pictures...BUT I know others who did take some so I will post them soon.

Me and my sister (from another mother), love her.
She and her boyfriend Jason came up for the weekend to celebrate. They are two cool cats.

The next morning Mason woke at his usual time, 6:30. He missed the memo about sleeping in the morning after my birthday but his dad seemed to have gotten it:)

The morning after my birthday he was quite the ball of energy. Shedding his clothes and diaper quickly.

Naked chair pushing, what a sport and what a cute tosh.

He did go down for a nice morning nap and Matt and I were able to relax in the hottub.

Keegan and Mason got in some hut tub time with Grandma and Grandpa, later that day.

Mason is so in love with his Grandpa Will.

We were missing Cormic in this picture but next time he will be big enough to join in.

Saturday afternoon Mason and I took a nice long walk around Pilgrim Downs. All that cheesecake and yummy food was beging to be burned off:)

It was a gorgeous Winter Wonderland and I enjoyed the quiet landscape. Mason missed most of the hour outing because he was snuggled up in the pack taking his afternoon nap.

When we got back Mason stayed in his long underwear and helped Dad tend to the fire.

He's just too cute.

Jason and Ang played some "penguin pile-up" and Jason beat her two out of three times. This game is Keegan's so we are really proud of them for being able to excel at it.

Mason's fairy grandmother Linda was hoping he wouldn't pop any of these!

Mason and Aunt "Bob". He calls her Bob , not sure where he picked this up but it is pretty cute.
I had a wonderful and relaxing birthday. I am really excited for my 30's and even more excited to spend time with all of you. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and thoughts from those there and those unable to join us. If my next 30 years are anything like my first I will be feeling very blessed.


Kate and David said...

What a great Birthday Weekend! You look beautiful and happy for your big 30!! We are so blessed to call you family...thank you for being a part of our lives =)
Love you Bunches!

Lee said...

I agree w Katie... Micah you are such a BEAUTIFUL lady! What a perfect way to bring in your 30th. Snow, food, family...sooooo nice :) Just wish we could have been there to bring it in with you :( Hopefully we will all be getting together soon...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, looks like it was a great one.

The Maiden Metallurgist said...

Sorry, that anonymous comment was me, Happy 30th.