Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Keeping us on our toes

I think Spring is around the corner because last week on my run I saw this rattle snake. It just barely became roadkill by our stroller. Yikes!

Mason hasn't had much of a reprieve from illness, this last virus turned into croup which is hanging on like a crazy ex-girlfriend.  He sounds like a chain smoker and has a lovely barking cough that rears its ugly head in the middle of the night, poor dude! There isn't much doctors can do for croup but offer a steroid to reduce the swelling in the vocal cords...otherwise hot steam from the shower, humidifiers, and cold air are your best chance at providing comfort.

Its funny how kids can be so stubborn. I HATED shots when I was younger, to the point I would embarrass my parents at the doctor's office. A team of nurses and doctors would have to restrain me. My son on the other hand decided he would rather have a shot of the medicine than take it in the form of chocolate. After the nurse and I tried to persuade him to take the oral version he continued to refuse and so he got a shot. The shot did not go well either and telling your two year old "I told you so" doesn't do anything.
Despite not feeling well Mason has found enough energy to keep up with his usually shenanigans, like covering the dogs with all of his bedding. I do SO MUCH LAUNDRY! Sorry green peace.
Or throwing a roll of toilet paper down the stairs before I can grab it from him. "Cleaning up after your kids is like shoveling during a blizzard, sometimes its just pointless."
And why is it that kids like to color everything but the coloring book? I tell ya, two is a lovely age but sometimes I think my dad was right on when he would say:
"I always love you but sometimes I like you best when you are sleeping."

1 comment:

Lee said...

Wow... I have never heard of croup?!? Poor baby though, hope he gets over it soon! He is so adorable, and I love how you capture all of his sides... love the shot of the tp down the stairs, I would blow that one up and hang it in my bathroom... priceless! We are getting so excited to see you all soon... and you asked if I was the same size with Kar...I am actually a little smaller this time, and just carrying her different. The only thing I did different is this time I decided to keep jogging and I still am. Just goes to show that EVERY pregnancy is different, even your first from your second =) LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
