Friday, September 23, 2011

Mayberry?!?! nope, just Flower Street

After the handshakes were done and all the millions of pieces of paper were signed, we have begun to settle into our new home.

Our little street feels like stepping back to a time when everyone "knows each others names." Neighbors can frequently be seen gathering in their driveways to chat and have a beverage. Everyone watches out for each other and their homes. Its really neat!

A lot of our neighbors are in their 70's and its as if we just inherited new sets of grandparents. Mason has learned all of their names and cracks me up because he will say "Hi Jim, beautiful day!" or whomever he sees. Our kid is a riot.

I am sure part of their warmth is the history and love they have for Grandma and Grandpa. Our closest neighbors are in their 60's and have five grandchildren all around Mason's age. Its great to have kid interaction. Its also funny because Matt use to date one of their daughters when they were in highschool. Its great when she comes to visit her parents because she is really cool and someone I will be friends with...kind of funny how life works.

We have received an adundance of  "welcome to the neighborhood gifts"
From wine

to fresh fried catfish (seriously delicious)

and lots and lots of garden treats and Rocky ford canteloupe (we didn't get Listeria!)

The large yard is great and we even have a gardener that came with the house

Grandma Bert comes up several times a week to do yard work. At first I felt really bad letting her do this but its something she enjoys and misses about her home. I think its a win win situation because she doesn't feel like she has to do all of it, she does what she can and than gets to leave it. I think its good for her mentally and physically.

Which leads me to "how are G and G adjusting to this big change?"......GREAT!!! It has gone so much smoother than we anitcipated. They are literally a few minutes drive from us and come up a couple times a week. And we go down and let Mason delight all the older folks with his crazy antics. We have had Sunday super a few times. Weekday dinners. Afternoon visits with wine.

Grandpa comes up to sit on the back porch like he use too. Grandma comes up and putters around, changing over our laundry and going through the cupboards looking for snacks. It feels like its all of  OUR house and that is exactly what Matt and I had envisioned with this. We feel blessed.

How is Mason doing? Well for the first week it was really tough. He kept saying "I want to go home" and we would say "we are home" to which he would say "my old home, I miss my old home!"
It broke my heart.
I had to go to Golden to pick up some contacts after we got back from our trip and of course had Mason with sent him into a frizy! He kept saying "Can we get our old house back, I really miss it!" 

What can I say change is hard for my guy..... 

but as time passes and we head into the fall months

he is starting to love his surroundings

and knowing our first home is just off in the distance, like an old friend who is right behind you, supporting you

and helping you look into the future at all the wonderful things that lie ahead!

1 comment:

Lee said...

BEAUTIFUL POST MICAH... the Mason part actually breaks my heart too =( (we may be close behind you in the change of location and that's what breaks my heart the most)
You guys seem so happy and the new house sounds so much like the bench and I am so happy you have that, and so glad Grandpa and Grandma are doing so well with it too! Sounds like it is one of those "meant to be" things! Can't wait to see it one day hopefully sooner than later! LOVE YOU AND CONGRATS!