Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello...Hello...is anybody out there?!?!

I guess we went silent for a little while, an unintentional hiatus!

 I have a lot of pictures I would like to share with my four readers...soon.

Maybe my silence is a result of all the laundry and cleaning I have to do these days.

Between potty training and typical toddler behavior I am learning to channel my inner messy beast...its not easy for neat freaks. I am in therapy.

Seriously when does the percentage of food he eats increase and the food on the face,clothes, and carpet decrease? I know guys that are still mastering this in their twenties.

Lucky he is so darn cute!

And did I mention the dirt...my goodness the dirt....oh well I guess kids will be kids and that is exactly what Mason is!

Be back soon....

1 comment:

Anne B said...

Hey there! I check in on you guys every once in a while. I hope you are settling into your new house.