Friday, March 2, 2012

Oh Baby!

We are pregnant! Or I am.

and I am already showing at 11+ weeks (sorry the photo quality on my iPhone stinks.)

and we really think this silly kid is going to be an awesome big brother.

My Due date is September 20th but because at this time, I am electing to do a scheduled C-section, we will have baby a week prior, at 39 weeks.

What does that mean? I will be a humungo pregnant lady in the heat of summer!!! Hello to sleeping naked, shaved ice, and constant bitching for my husband to endure :-)

We are so excited for another baby.

I don't care if its a boy or girl. I am going back and forth about finding out the sex but am leaning towards finding out.
I think its cool that both of my kids will have been born in a presidential election year and summer Olympics year.

I feel like I have had a hangover for over a month now. No, I am not drinking, its all these darn hormones!!!

pregnancy this go around is so much easier because I know this season of my life will come to a close and with it the most wonderful blessing will arrive!


Lee said...

Oh my goodness... I can't wait to meet the newest sweet little thing!!!
Second time around is kind of nice because you know what to expect in a way =)
And that Mason is going to be an AWESOME big brother.
I will get you a shaved ice lemonade at disneyland, or wait no maybe the yummy pinapple whip... omg and they have a DELICIOUS bread bowl spot (oh it's going to be so much fun!)

Ania said...

Congratulations Micah!! I wish you the best throughout the next couple of months!!!

Kate and David said...

You look so cute! We are all so excited to hear you are expecting =) and can't wait to see everyone in April!!!!!!

Disneyland shouldn't be too hot in April but you never know =/ sorry you have to go through stinkin summer prego =(, but on the bright side you don't live in the so cal heat.....Kels is right about the pineapple whip, its sooo good. Disneyland has some great food to grub on =) !

It's going to be so exciting to have a new little one in the family you guys and praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy and new baby g or b! =)

Josh C said...

Your "silly kid" needs suspenders with that outfit. Honestly, how could you let him suffer without suspenders to complete that ensemble?