Monday, August 6, 2012

8 months and a quick mountain escape

I have been meaning to post this for a week but this last week was not one of my finest. I pulled a muscle in my lower back on the weekend and literally couldn't walk for part of the day. I was doing laundry! The injury earned me a pre-natal massage mid week, no complaints there! I am not sure how people with chronic back pain do fun. Glad it was just a muscle. I also was lucky enough to get strep throat as was Mason. Thank goodness you can take antibiotics in pregnancy! We are all back and on the move....Onward and Upward.

I am 32 weeks in the first photo and 20 weeks in the second. Poor purple shirt is getting stretched out;-) And on a side note doesn't the hardwood look better than the white carpet? I need to do a one year later post of our house, hard to believe we have been here a year already.

I am feeling well and honestly if my pregnancy with Mason had been this easy I might have had them closer. Even with the sickness I am sleeping well, my Husband not so much. SNORE SNORE SNORE when you can't breathe through your nose...but he is good sport. I tell him its training for what lies ahead.

At almost 34 weeks, Max is still breech and his head is in my stomach and ribs most of the time with his feet in my pelvis. He is my yoga baby. My doctor thinks he will turn in the coming weeks and I think that will be quite the adventure if he does. This little man is a circus acrobat and loves to stretch out...sometimes his movements take my breath away because they hurt. I don't remember that with Mason. Overall the blessing of feeling a baby in your body is like nothing else, miraculous and awesome.  Matt and Mason love to talk to him and he moves. Mason says "Hi Max I am your big brother Mason the Spiderman!" and than he giggles! A great bond already starting in the womb.

I can't believe I have only 5 1/2 weeks to go before the big C-section.  That doesn't seem like very much time to me when I look at the list I have compiled of things to do before Mr. Max arrives. Or should I say the list I have compiled for Matt and I to do before Max arrives! He did get the nursery painted this past weekend. Photos to come soon...

We did manage a little weekend getaway a few weekends ago.

We decided to drive Trail Ridge Road over from the Grand Lake side to Estes Park

This is the highest road in North America and Matt and I had never driven it.

The views were spectacular as we made our way over the Continental Divide. We saw a few Moose, some Elk and Deer. No Bears:-(
The Geology was intriguing as well....but the crowds, not so much!

Mason did great in the car so we decided a little Old School Carnival fun was needed once we reached Estes. He and Matt raced the "rainbow slide" seven times before we headed into the town of Estes for a bite and some ice cream. Estes on the weekends also = LOTS OF PEOPLE...

We booked a night at a little lodge about 8 miles out from Estes, Aspen Lodge. It reminded me of the Lodge on Dirty Dancing. Recently renovated but with that same 1950's family feel. I tried to get Matt to be Patrick and me Baby but my dance moves are struggling a little right now!

The grounds had a steep metal slide that must have been from the 50's!  Mason loved it because it launched him about 5-ft when he hit the bottom.

They also had a stocked trout pond...perfect for Mason's first time fishing with his Dad.

Matt loves to fish and I mean loves! He has since he was a little kid. I respect his patience for this because I am good after an hour.

It was one of those simple moments in life shared between a father and a son

that I only hope will continue on through the years with both boys.

Life really is beautiful!


Ania said...

Looks like we have lots of similarities in our lives right now - new floors and new babies!

Anonymous said...

Love the floors! You look so great Micah! So sorry you and Mason were sick. Can't wait to meet little Max.
Love Trisha