Wednesday, October 31, 2012

These are the days of our lives and we don't even know it!"

I totally stole that quote from a Duggars episode.An episode where 10 of their 19 kids were puking everywhere and they found humor in the stress! Anyways those words that Miss baby maker Duggar spoke reminded me of a recent experience I shared with my boys. I know I only have 2 but that's all
some of us can handle.
It was one of those moments when your like "holy crap I have two kids and smell like pee and breast milk because I haven't showered
in 3 days!" engineering school has nothing on that.

I ventured out to a trick or treat street at our local rec to meet some dear friends and get my ass out of the house. After a great hour of Mason burning energy and Max sleeping in the ergo we decided to head home. Of course as we were leaving,
Max awoke screaming to be nursed and Mason threw an epic tantrum because we were leaving and he was hungry...I am pretty sure I fed him lunch that day but not 100% certain! So I thew everyone in the car and began to nurse Max in the front seat(I flash everyone these days, if you want to see some use to be good boobs I drive a sliver murano) I opened a snack for Mason, turned on the Lion king soundtrack for the million and one time and right when I was about to catch my breath the famous words of a toddler were spoken "I have to go pee!" so I did what every good mother does, grabbed a plastic water bottle, removed the lid and helped him pee in the bottle one handed, all while his little brother nursed! On the drive home I cranked the radio up with Alicia Keys new song "This girl is on fire" and held my head a little higher. I got this mother thing, I have arrived! I am also getting my IUD as soon as possible because 19 kids is not my idea of a good time.
Happy Halloween!


Kate and David said...

ha. this made me laugh ;). I can imagine how tough parenting can be. I can't wait to be there one day but I feel I get my little taste of it with my 32 kids at school. I can't imagine doing it 24-7 but it must be different when their your own!

Your story reminds me of work most days. Running around all day teaching, peeing while eating my yogurt and the break bell rings and ending with a kid throwing up on me in the bus line...just got to laugh!

Way to one hand potty help/ beast feed at the same time and rock out on the way home =). It's amazing what we can accomplish when the situation arises huh! Love ya! Happy Halloween

Lee said...

Hilarious. A moment you will never forget. AWESOME having a boy and being able to have them pee in a water bottle, an experience I have not been able to have yet... trying that with a girl just won't work out so nicely =)

Love you and love that you are enjoying being a mommy of two... and laughing at those moments when you really want to pull your hair out! ;)

LOVE YOU, hope you had a very Happy Halloween!