Thursday, June 12, 2008

Week 13: The last week of the first trimester

This week has not been unusually different than the previous ones. A lot of throwing up and a migraine that kept me home from work yesterday. I do have to say I don't stay home very often and I have gone to work throwing up daily but a headache that brings you to a dark room with a heating pad made me call in. I know I am complaining and I hate to complain but this is my journal for my pregnancy and I want that baby to know what I went through:) Despite the physical pains we really are excited to have a baby. My tummy has started to show (I will get some pictures on here) but really I just feel fat.

I went to Gap maternity and bought some prego pants for work and play. That was the best thing I could have done. They are so comfortable. No buttons jabbing into your stomach. Plus Gap is affordable, I just couldn't stomach paying $160.00 for designer pregnancy jeans at one of those fancy boutiques. Plus GAP carries tall so I don't have to look pregnant and like I am waiting for a flood.

Not much else is going on in the hustle and bustle of life. Gas prices are on the rise in case you didn't notice! We have a busy weekend ahead with Birthdays and father's day celebrations. I will blog about this next week. Hope all my friends and family who read this are well. Toodles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that the baby has not let up on you yet... I am still prettty early in my pregnancy, so I feel great... but everyone keeps on warning me :/ At least you should be nearing the end of the sicky stage... it's only the beginning for me! Love you and can't wait to see that little one!
