Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sorta Cold Turkey, ABC's and Art, and No No doggie

Just a quick update about "kick'n the baba" for those who are wondering if I stuck to it...I DID, it never entered the crib with him but he did get one bottle when he got up in the morning:) So he has taken two naps and gone to bed without it!

I think it is weird that something this insignificant seems so SIGNIFICANT. I am trying to put my selfish emotions aside, every time I wash a bottle or take them out of the dishwasher I want to baby is growing up! And than I want to procreate so we can have more babies around to give bottles to. Is that how people end up with 19 kids? Oh wow, glad I had that thought.

Anyways, Mason is handling this transition much better than I thought. Its seems as though he wants to give them up and be a big boy but he is sad about it. He is lost at bedtime, squirming around, chewing on his blanket like its a piece of nicorette gum. He trys to not ask for them and if he does he immediately asks for juice right after. He refuses to drink Milk out of a sippy but we will keep trying. Maybe this is a preparation for potty training and moving to a regular bed?

Warning bragging mom moment, last night Mason recited his ABC's in full...seriously adorable. I love the L mnop part he kind of clumps it together!

We are also loving our art class at the Golden Community Center..OK maybe I love it more than Mason because he would rather stare at the attractive blond teacher and run around with the glue stick. I realized yesterday during class that I have some control issues...ya no shocker there...but when we were doing the cutting part I couldn't let him do it. I needed the lines cut straight and the tree glued on decently. I kept telling myself "Micah these are two year olds", gonna have to work on letting his creative juices flow and suppressing my type A juices. 

I also caught our furry yellow child doing this yesterday, WTF Fisher you know you are not suppose to lay on our couches! Only at Grandma and Grandpa's is this allowed. But really can you blame the poor guy, hard wood floors that are cold are far less appealing than the couch. Someone recently asked me "Do you still have your dogs? I never see them on your blog." Well here you go, we still love them and spoil them but some other golden haired child took first seat...I guess that is what happens.

One more thing: I sware we went to Alaska and if Blogger would stopping being a bad word I will post pictures, hopefully soon.

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