Wednesday, February 16, 2011 are a fickle month!

 Oh February, you are such a peaceful and quiet month...when our two year old is sleeping!

Really you are a mixed bag of a month just like this post.

 When the weather is nice, we love to get outside and enjoy mother nature's hibernation and when its freezing, we do out best to not let cabin fever set in.
Matt and I decided to test out Mason's hiking limits one Sunday. We received A Hiking with Kids in Colorado book for Christmas so we choose a close hike....Lair O' the Bear.

Its a nice trail along Bear Creek

 that loops with minimal elevation gain, about a 1.5 mile.

Mason made it about half way before wanting to be carried for a while. 
We didn't bring the pack. His main concern for most of the hike was where our car was. When we reached the "Summit" we could see the car below which gave him peace of mind to finish the hike. He cracks me up!

We will keep working on his endurance but I think the pack will be a necessity for a bit longer.

On one of our frigid days we headed over to G and G's for our weekly get together. Mason dressed Grandpa in scarves.

and used his toddler decorating skills to give GG's living room a makeover.
 I do not allow this but I am quieted by Grandma and Grandpa over and over again "Will you relax, he is just a toddler and this is what they do, he isn't harming anything."  I do however make him pick it up with my assistance, makes me feel like I am an ok parent.
Four of our favorite Valentines! The red was planned. Grandma calls me with the funniest request, I seriously love that lady!

We also ventured out one Saturday evening for our niece Lauren's basketball game. Mason adores his cousin's Luke, Lauren and Ellie and Ellie is such a little mother for 7. She wears him out and we appreciate that. Mason only tried to bolt onto the court a few times before he figured out that he isn't part of their team.

My pictures of Lauren playing ball were really fuzzy but it was so fun to watch her play. She is such a quiet beautiful soul of an 11 year old but put her on a basketball court and her inner defensive player comes out. Matt and I were laughing so hard because she reminded us of Matt SUPER COMPETITIVE! I also must say girls basketball is hilarious...I played and I remember how catty it was. To see this age group elbowing and hair pulling had all of us chuckling.

And of course February brings Valentine's day, not my favorite holiday but more fun this year because of Mason's interest.
One cabin fever ridden day I made some Valentine's Decorations. What? Mason isn't the only one who gets to color, cut, and paste. A little asymmetrical and non-uniform...
Matt and I were invited to our neighbors this past Saturday for a Valentine's Dinner so Ang. and Jason came over to hang with the lil' man. He was in heaven and we got to have adult interaction. Its funny because our neighbors our in their late 50's and we were by far the youngest people there by 15 years BUT we had such a good time. And the best part is when you have a few too many glasses of red wine you only have to walk next door and crawl into bed. Love our lovely neighbors! Love my husband, love our son and love our family. Guess all you really need is love...cheesy I know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two years is such an odd age... we have done the same thing... took Kar somewhere that we thought she could walk most of the time and then ended up killing our backs! =) The pack is a must for us too for a little bit =)
Great pictures... r u loving your camera? They are the best!!!
February is a fickle month, but it also means that we are about 4 months from getting to see y'all!!! AWOOOHOOO!!!

Ricky, Kels and Kar