Monday, April 4, 2011

Can we bottle some of that energy?

A lot of Mason pictures in this post, I guess when you are parent that is what becomes of pictures and things you talk about. I swear I still have a brain and can talk about interesting things but he is the core, the substance, the light of our eyes..ok you get it!

We have been keeping busy these days. We were getting ready to list our house and to buy G and G's house in Arvada....we still our. Its just not a next week thing more of a next year thing. Its a long story and a whole other blog post (I will do soon) but for now we are going to hand over the timing to God and let the doors open as they will.

 So back to our crazy two year old, with Mason I have discovered the more activity the better. I try to balance our weeks with my work and lots of activity mixed in with the normal weekly routine. As with all things, some days are much easier than others. Thank god on the challenging days there is always wine...of course in the evening when he is in bed!

This past week we fit the zoo amongst other things into the schedule. The Rockies are back in action but instead of participating in the opening day madness we went to the zoo with ten thousand other people who had the same idea.

Mason got his hippo climbing on...

And tail sliding..

while I caught up with my girlfriend Lauren and her little guy, Camden. Isn't he a cutie pie? They are so much easier at this stage but I just heard he is crawling so good luck Roots!

By the time we got home from the zoo a nap was needed!

By my third attempt of laying him down I couldn't see or hear him on the monitor so I went to check..

He had put all his bed belongings and himself under the fitted sheet!  "Ya mom, find me."

A nap in his bed wasn't in the stars this day...

 I think there is a short window for Mason to take naps and when I miss it he goes to crazy town. He literally starts climbing the "walls." Some days I just deal but this day we were meeting my parents, their friend Lisa, and Matt in Golden for dinner. He NEEDED TO SLEEP.  

So I put him in the car and before I even got the harness buckled on his seat he was out! 

 I drove Lookout Mountain. I rolled down the windows and listened to some tunes and acted like I was taking a mini road trip.

I even got out of the car to take some scenic pictures of our recent fire. 
and our little town tucked between the Mesas.
After the 40-minute recharge (for both of us) he was back and ready for more action!

so we chatted with the chickens and waited for the rest of the crew!

And when Dad arrived his little guy couldn't get to his arms fast enough! They have such a cool bond.

And patio dinning with Grandma and Papa was a lovely way to spend Friday evening.

My dad, who is already Mason's favorite, took Mason over to the firehouse. Mason got to go inside and climb on the real fire trucks and they even gave him a new fire hat.  

He was a pretty happy kid and we hadn't even made our way over to the ice cream parlor yet!

I can tell April is shaping up to be a great month!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Gosh he is such an adorable kid... and I think he is the MOST INTERESTING thing to read about!!! And you just tell me who thinks you have nothing interesting to talk about anymore and your pregnant cousin will KICK SOME ASS!!! =)jk... I honestly can't wait to see you guys in a couple of months and see Karly and Mason together again =)