Monday, May 16, 2011

Watering the trees

I am going to get around to posting our Mother's day weekend pictures but until than...
I am not really sure how this potty training thing is going to work? Mason is about 10% interested. He is almost 2.5 and I get a bit of judgement from other Moms because of that...which to be honest I really do not care what other Moms think:) If I have learned one thing in my short time of being a parent  it is that "what works for your family may not work for mine so lets support each other instead of judge!"

Can I get a "AMEN SISTA?"

I do know that my son is STUBBORN and if we push one thing he pulls the other way. So we are just easing into this and I am not really worrying about if he is potty trained by a certain age.

 I am certain he will not go to college in diapers so that should help his dating life.

My mom suggested "having him water the trees so they will grow."

This seems to be something boys enjoy so we are giving it a try....

Happy Monday

1 comment:

Lee said...

I think Aunt Cathy's approach is perfect =) I'm no expert on potty training boys... but all of Ricky's sisters boys began their potty training outdoors =) So much so that Karly even wants to go outside (a little more difficult for a girl =/)