Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy new year!, 5 weeks old, and reflux

Mason has made a new friend, Leo the lion! This week he has started to open up more and just showing us the beginning of "cooing" and grabbing for things. On Monday I stopped by my office to introduce him to my work family. I am not very good at this picture thing and forgot to take some.
This week has also been very challenging for Matt and I. We have been to the pediatrician a few times. Sunday he woke very congested and fussy, we felt the same so we figured over Christmas we all got a cold. He started to cough a little so I called the on-call doctor (my books said a cough in an infant should never be overlooked) the doctor told us to make an appointment first thing Monday. They confirmed it was a cold and nothing seemed unusual just to let it play its course. That night he was extremely fussy for 3 hours. I mean blood curdling screams, it broke our hearts that we could not comfort him. The next day went well but than like clock work it started again that evening.
The next morning I decided to call the doctor because my instinct told me something was not right. The doctor described his symptoms exactly! Even the congestion. Poor Mason has a very common disease in infants, GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease. This is basically really bad heartburn. Their immature digestive systems are unable to close the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach and acid comes back into the throat and sometimes all over your shirt:) It peaks in the evenings, just as it does in adults. So she wrote us a prescription for "baby anti acids." The medicine combined with how we hold him after a feeding (more vertical for 20-30 minutes)and burp him has made significant difference. It is really hard to see your child in pain and not be able to do anything about it!
New Years was not exciting this year for our gang. We were so glad to be sleeping at midnight and when I woke at 2 am for his feeding I thought "Happy 2009" to myself, burped baby and fell soundly back to sleep. We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year. We are looking forward to all the blessings and challenges the coming year will bring. We pray our friends and family are blessed with love, health and happiness.
One last thing, Mason is now 12 lbs and not going to fit into his 0-3 month clothes much longer, YIKES!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are getting into a good night time routine. That makes it much more manageable. I can't believe how big he is...he'll be in 2T before you know it. See you soon...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there!! His little system will adjust and he will be sleeping through the night before you know it. I will pray that the reflux goes away soon. He gets cuter every day. Miss you Mason!

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor little guy. Cole has reflux too and we have made many trips to the doctor because of it. I hope Mason's resolves quickly. Cole is still having a hard time. Love all of your pictures!
happy new year!

The 4 Aguas! said...

Oh Man! I remember! With Owen it was because of what I was eating when I was breastfeeding. One night I had sausage and pineapple 9I know!) and he was up ALL night with a belly ache--poor guy. Mylacon drops also helped. I'm sure the doctor suggested that you eat some bland things for awhile to help out. It could also be a food alergy coming through your breast milk. (I know you are thinking--okay Dr. Tracy) Lots of my friends have been through the same thing and those were some of the things that helped--just sharing! Love you BUNCHES! Swaddle him up TIGHT in a blankie and sing him Grandma June's lullaby--that always helps:) "Mama loves her baby, Mama loves her baby boy"

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Micah, Matt and Mason,
Here is yet another antidote for upset tummies. Kelsie had colic or baby acid reflux for about 3 months and I thought I was the worst mom ever. Finally, Grandma Millie suggested I try "Manzanilla-Chamomile in warm water with a little sugar. These natural apple blossoms work magic on the digestive system and relax the muscles. You all will sleep like babies. Love you all & Happy 2009!
Aunt Kel