Monday, August 16, 2010

One part spider monkey, one part runner, and one part pure sweetness =My lil' man

It's Monday and after a weekend with a sick kiddo, I too am sick!
There is just no way to not kiss and hold your running nose, throwing up child in the middle of the night. Thank god I have such a wonderful husband who let me go into a NyQuil haze last night and stayed on the alert for our lil' energy ball. 
Mason is feeling a lot better and I will be there soon too!

Here is an action collection of recent pictures of Mason. 
the very rare Mason lying down action shot!
If there is a way to climb it he has the will to try!
After falling down these stairs at the park a handful of times I have convinced him holding on to the rail is safer and less frustrating.

Matt's softball season is over, they tell me they got 2nd place. All of the games we attended were not watched by me or Mason. Instead I spent the time running after him while he climbed, jumped, and tried to steel any ball he could.

Sometimes at the games we would get to see Trisha and Sawyer but just for a second before I had to take off running again.
You can't tell from the picture but this hill is steep and fairly long (great end to my workouts) but it also is a great energy depleteor when you have a wild child. We just turn Mason loose to do a few sets of sprints up this bad boy and eventually his legs give out:) just kidding.
The ball and "hooup" as Mason calls it.

Always making me laugh
Glad he still slows down for a few minutes to give me some snuggle time and kisses. Pure Sweetness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! I love the back float shot of Mason. Hope to see you guys soon!